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Ecologic Newsletter No 72 - February 2009

Ecologic Newsletter No 72 - February 2009

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Second European Water Conference - Announcement
  2. Climate change USA? American Energy Policy under President Barack Obama - Lecture
  3. RAPIDO - A research contribution on innovative rural development in the EU - Publication
  4. Innovation Conference Rural Areas - Nature Conservancy as driving force for rural development
  5. The challenge of framework directives: are Member States ready for renegotiating? - Lecture
  6. More drops for crops - Risks in agricultural waste water reuse: Precautionary and mitigation measures - Lecture
  7. Ecologic Institute 2009 Berlin - Brussels - Vienna - Washington DC
  8. Transatlantic Exchange: Announcing the 2009 American Council on Germany's McCloy Fellowship

1. Second European Water Conference - Announcement

The Water Framework Directive requires all EU Member States to ensure transparency and public participation in the process of preparing river basin management plans. In this context, the European Commission will hold the 2nd European Water Conference on Active Involvement in River Basin Management. The event will take place on 2-3 April 2009 in Brussels and will be a milestone in the European debate on the preparation of the river basin management plans.


2. Climate change USA? American Energy Policy under President Barack Obama - Lecture

At the EnergyAgency.NRW expert conference on future energies, expert speakers addressed the subject of efficient energy generation, especially regarding biomass, energy storage, geothermal energy, wind energy research and power plant technology. Aaron Best, Ecologic Senior Fellow, spoke in the opening plenary session, highlighting the nascent energy and climate policies of the new Obama administration.


3. RAPIDO - A research contribution on innovative rural development in the EU - Publication

Rural development policies and the promotion of innovation represent the basis for the successful development of rural areas. In this context the assessment of innovative initiatives and projects alongside the analysis of the status quo and obstacles to innovations are crucial. In this article Sandra Naumann (Ecologic) und Andreas Frangenberg (FNL), propose a set of indicators to qualitatively evaluate the sustainability and the success of innovation projects. In addition, this publication presents the results of a comprehensive review on innovations in rural regions.


4. Innovation Conference Rural Areas - Nature Conservancy as driving force for rural development

Various challenges need to be addressed in rural areas. Climate Change, biodiversity loss, and increasing demand for both food and energy require new concepts for aid and promotion, new partnerships and a modified vision on the potential for innovation beyond agriculture in rural areas. The conference on 14 January 2009, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), was the kick-off for a 2-year series of events on the future of rural areas. Ecologic provides advice to BMU and BfN and is responsible for the organisation of the events.


5. The challenge of framework directives: are Member States ready for renegotiating? - Lecture

Ecologic Senior Fellow Dr Ingmar von Homeyer gave a lecture on the challenges of implementing EU environmental framework directives. The lecture was part of an expert-workshop on recent developments in EU environmental policy. Ingmar von Homeyer explained the distinctive implementation requirements of different types of EU environmental framework directives.


6. More drops for crops - Risks in agricultural waste water reuse: Precautionary and mitigation measures - Lecture

The exchange of experiences related to the treatment and reuse of wastewater in the Mediterranean region and Europe was the purpose of the INNOVA-Med capacity building course in Ismailia, Egypt. Cornelius Laaser, Researcher at Ecologic, presented precautionary and mitigation measures in agricultural wastewater reuse, based on a case study from Wolfsburg, Germany.


7. Ecologic Institute 2009 Berlin - Brussels - Vienna - Washington DC

This brochure provides a general survey and overview of the range of topics addressed by the Ecologic Institute. It includes examples of relevant events and projects, and key financial information. The brochure is available for download.


8. Transatlantic Exchange: Announcing the 2009 American Council on Germany's McCloy Fellowship

Ecologic's U.S. partner organization, the American Council on Germany (ACG) is seeking applications for the 2009 McCloy Fellowships in Environmental Affairs. McCloy Fellowships provide German and American mid-career professionals and academics with the opportunity to travel across the Atlantic for roughly three weeks to undertake independent research and meet with their counterparts to exchange best practices and foster professional and intellectual ties.