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Ecologic Newsletter No 67 - September 2008

Ecologic Newsletter No 67 - September 2008

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. A Climate of Change - North America and Transatlantic Cooperation - Publication
  2. Guide to Public Participation according to article 14 of the EC Water Framework Directive - a RhineNet project report - Study online
  3. Legal issues and challenges in Trade and Competitiveness Post 2012 - Study online
  4. China's and India's emerging energy foreign policy - Publication
  5. Further Waiting on Cutback in global CO2 Emissions - Publication
  6. Humboldt Foundation Seeking US Applicants for German Chancellor Fellowship - Transatlantic Exchange

1. A Climate of Change - North America and Transatlantic Cooperation - Publication

The latest issue of the Carbon & Climate Law Review (CCLR) provides an up-to-date analysis of recent developments in greenhouse gas regulation and climate policies in Canada and the United States, identifying new opportunities for transatlantic cooperation. Michael Mehling, president of the Ecologic Institute in Washington, D.C., edited this issue of the CCLR.


2. Guide to Public Participation according to article 14 of the EC Water Framework Directive - a RhineNet project report - Study online

The participation requirements (§14) of the EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) launched, for the first time, a broader discussion about participatory approaches in water management. Still, the demand for policies, which are oriented toward the public and public participation, is nothing new. Many forms of participation have been known and tested since the 70's and 80's. Most of them emerged from city and regional planning projects and discussions. In this book, the INTERREG III B project "RhineNet" presents its experiences based on its own as well as external case studies regarding the participation requirements of the WFD in the Rhine basin area. The study is now available for download.


3. Legal issues and challenges in Trade and Competitiveness Post 2012 - Study online

In a briefing paper for the European Parliament's Temporary Committee on Climate Change, Ecologic investigated whether climate-related border adjustments are permissible under WTO law. Restrictions on international trade have been suggested as a means to address "carbon leakage" - the relocation of manufacturing activities (and thus greenhouse gas emissions) to states with less ambitious climate efforts and more relaxed environmental standards. The paper concludes that climate-related border adjustments are not, as a matter of principle, ruled out by international trade law, provided that certain conditions are met. The study is now available for download.


4. China's and India's emerging energy foreign policy - Publication

In a Discussion Paper for the German Development Institute (DIE-GDI), Sascha Müller-Kraenner analyses the energy-related foreign policies of China and India, both "anchor countries" with fast-growing economies. Their quest for energy security as well as climate policy have become defining elements of both countries' foreign policies, a fact that the EU and the US must respond to. The paper is available for download.


5. Further Waiting on Cutback in global CO2 Emissions - Publication

The hope for a reversal in the growth of greenhouse gas emissions - especially CO2-emissions - was not fulfilled again this year. Nevertheless, greenhouse gas emissions in Annex-B-countries, which (with the exception of the USA) committed to emissions caps or reductions, decreased in 2007 by 0.7% from 2006 levels - by 16% from 1990 levels. Ecologic Policy Advisor Hans-Joachim Ziesing's article, published in "Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen" Vol. 58, Issue 9, presents an overview of trends in the development of global C02 emissions and greenhouse gas emissions in Annex-B-countries, from 1990 to 2007.


6. Humboldt Foundation Seeking US Applicants for German Chancellor Fellowship - Transatlantic Exchange

Germany's Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awards fellowships annually to young U.S. professionals and is seeking applications for the 2009-2010 period. The fellowship provides for a stay of one year in Germany for professional development, study, or research. The application deadline for 2009-2010 awards is October 31, 2008.