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Ecologic Institute Newsletter 2420

Ecologic Institute Newsletter 2420

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Evaluation of soil protection aspects in certain programmes of measures adopted by EU Member States - Study online
  2. New Threats Arising from Climate Change and Energy Scarcity - What Role for International Governance? - Dinner Dialogue with Jamie Shea and Helga Schmid
  3. What Price Energy Transformation - Website now accessible
  4. Transatlantic policy options for climate adaptation in the marine Arctic - Workshop Announcement
  5. Climate Protection - International Cooperation on Climate and Energy - International Visitors Programme
  6. Johns Hopkins University Summer School: "Anything is Possible" - Summary online
  7. Conference Manager - Employment

1. Evaluation of soil protection aspects in certain programmes of measures adopted by EU Member States - Study online

In order to meet the goals of the EU Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection, soil protection needs to be further integrated in other policy areas. For this reason, an analysis of the measures adopted by the Member States in plans and programs pursuant to certain pieces of Community and international legislation is required. This study identifies, describes and evaluates the measures taken under the Water Framework Directive (WFD), Cross Compliance Instrument (CC) and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) concerning their contribution to soil conservation. The paper was prepared for the European Commission by Ecologic jointly with the ahu AG Wasser-Boden-Geomatik. The study is available online.

2. New Threats Arising from Climate Change and Energy Scarcity - What Role for International Governance? - Dinner Dialogue with Jamie Shea and Helga Schmid

At an Ecologic Dinner Dialogue in Brussels on 24 April 2008, Jamie Shea and Helga Schmid discussed the role for the EU and NATO in responding to threats arising from climate change. Jamie Shea is Head of Policy Planning at NATO. Helga Schmid is Policy Unit Director at the EU Council Secretariat. Both agreed on the importance of the issue. While it is already on the agenda and reflected in various EU documents, Jamie Shea laid out reasons why it is not yet on NATO's agenda and made recommendations that could help change the current situation.

3. What Price Energy Transformation - Website now accessible

The seminar series "What Price Energy Transformation" dealt with the energy and security policy challenges evoked by climate change. It consisted of three two-day seminars in Washington DC (24-25 January 2008), Berlin (28-29 February 2008) and Brussels (24-25 April 2008). EU and US Experts from policy, business, government, science, and the media discussed the nexus of energy, environment and security from different angles with the purpose of developing common conclusions. The project website, featuring details on the respective seminars, including speeches and comprehensive background material, is now available to all users.

4. Transatlantic policy options for climate adaptation in the marine Arctic - Workshop Announcement

Ecologic is the lead institute organizing an expert workshop with a broad range of stakeholders to discuss transatlantic policy options for supporting adaptation in the Arctic marine environment. Five working groups will be convened to address Arctic environmental governance, indigenous peoples, offshore hydrocarbon, fisheries and maritime shipping. Experts from government, industry, NGOs and academia will participate from the US, EU, Russia, Norway, Canada and Greenland. The workshop will be held on 11-12 September 2008 in Berlin and chaired by Dr. Robert Corell, Vice President of Programs at the US-based Heinz Centre. As part of the workshop, an expert dinner will be held in the Nordic Embassies, hosted by the Finnish Embassy. The event is by invitation only. For more information, please visit the Arctic TRANSFROM project website.

5. Climate Protection - International Cooperation on Climate and Energy - International Visitors Programme

From 4-10 May 2008, a visitors programme on climate and energy issues took place in Berlin, Dessau and Bonn. The programme was organised by Ecologic in cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office, addressing policy-makers on the state, regional and municipal level as well as journalists. It included appointments with experts from ministries, the UNFCCC, think tanks and NGOs as well as field visits to leading examples of the German "ecological industrial policy".

6. Johns Hopkins University Summer School: "Anything is Possible" - Summary online

Ecologic taught a Johns Hopkins Summer School on European Environmental Politics on 9-20 June 2008. Ecologic staff members and guest speakers conducted lessons on subjects, ranging from European Integration to European Water Policies. Johns Hopkins students also met with a variety of stakeholders in Berlin and Brussels to discuss European Environmental Policy. To study German nature conservation policies, students visited the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide.

7. Conference Manager - Employment

We are currently looking for a Conference Manager for our Berlin office, starting immediately.