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Ecologic Newsletter No 65 - July 2008

Ecologic Newsletter No 65 - July 2008

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Sealing water aid against corruption: donor interventions, donor responsibilities - Publication
  2. Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture - Policy Options for the Future - Stakeholder Consultation Workshop
  3. Sustainable Biofuel Production in Tropical and Subtropical Countries - Workshop presentations online
  4. Evolution of the Greek national regime for water resources - Publication
  5. Effort sharing under the Climate Package - Workshop presentations online
  6. Assessing Management Regimes in Transboundary River Basins: Do They Support Adaptive Management? - Publication
  7. What Price Energy Transformation? - Publication
  8. EPOS Summer School: Methods and Tools for Impact Assessment - Summary online

1. Sealing water aid against corruption: donor interventions, donor responsibilities - Publication

Corruption in the development sector had been a 'no issue' until the beginning 1990's. It was assumed that safeguards and controls were put in place somehow and that corruption could cause nothing worse than costs on top of development aid projects. Evidence has since been gathered that shows the lack of access to clean water supply, sanitation and sustainable ecological development is not due to a lack of natural resources nor of technical solutions: It is a crisis of governance. Grit Martinez, Fellow at Ecologic, and Kathleen Shordt elaborate the role and responsibilities of donors in the fight against corruption in the water sector.


2. Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture - Policy Options for the Future - Stakeholder Consultation Workshop

What can the agricultural sector contribute to climate change mitigation efforts? How can national and European policy-making best support and incentivise agricultural mitigation measures? These questions were discussed at the PICCMAT workshop organised by Ecologic in co-operation with Baastel which took place on June 25 in Brussels. The workshop results will be transformed into policy recommendations and will be presented at a conference in Brussels on October 28. More information on the project and its events can be found on the PICCMAT website.


3. Sustainable Biofuel Production in Tropical and Subtropical Countries - Workshop presentations online

In the midst of the ongoing debate about biofuels in EU climate and energy policies, the workshop "Sustainable Biofuel Production in Tropical and Subtropical Countries" was held on the 12 June 2008 in the European Parliament. It was chaired by Anders Wijkman MEP, EP, Rapporteur for the Renewables Directive in the ENVI Committee, and attracted more than 80 participants. The presentations given by a panel of experts stressed inter alia the current conditions of biofuel production in African countries, obstacles and opportunities of EU sustainability criteria for biofuels and ways of implementing respective standards. In the following session, the experts' statements were critically commented on by participants from NGOs, industry and administration. Ecologic led the organisation of the workshop and created the workshop website, where all presentations are available for download.


4. Evolution of the Greek national regime for water resources - Publication

The Water Framework Directive acts as a driver for integrated water management in EU member states. In this paper, Eleftheria Kampa, Fellow at Ecologic, and Hans Bressers, Professor at the University of Twente, use a conceptual framework from institutional resource regime theory to characterize and explain the development of the Greek national water regime in terms of integration. The article was published in the Journal "Water Policy" 10/5.


5. Effort sharing under the Climate Package - Workshop presentations online

Ecologic's Director, Andreas Kraemer, moderated a half-day workshop at the European Parliament, entitled "Effort sharing under the Climate Package - assessing the role of the Clean Development Mechanism". The workshop explored the role of CDM under the proposed legislative climate package. It was chaired by Satu Hassi MEP, EP Rapporteur for the Effort Sharing Decision, and attracted more than 100 participants. A panel of prominent experts focused on the contribution of CDM in meeting the EU target of limiting climate change to +2°C compared to preindustrial levels, the quality and types of projects and the link with the UNFCCC negotiations on an international agreement for after 2012. Views of key stakeholders were also presented and an extended question-and-answer session closed the workshop. Ecologic led the organisation of the workshop and created the workshop website, where all presentations are available for download.


6. Assessing Management Regimes in Transboundary River Basins: Do They Support Adaptive Management? - Publication

Transboundary river basin management, in itself a complex subject due to the variety of countries and stakeholders involved, is facing increasing challenges due to new social, economic and climate-change drivers. In this article, Tom Raadgever, Erik Mostert, Nicole Kranz, Eduard Interwies and Jos Timmerman analyse the regime features that contribute to adaptive management of these basins.


7. What Price Energy Transformation? - Publication

Past energy policies are largely to blame for climate change, and now, more than ever, the security implications demand a transformation of energy systems and infrastructure. In this commentary, R. Andreas Kraemer, Director of Ecologic, argues that such a transformation would be possible both technically and economically, but that it requires political will and coordinated action and would need to be accompanied by reform of international institutions.


8. EPOS Summer School: Methods and Tools for Impact Assessment - Summary online

Impact Assessments play an increasingly important role in national and European policy-making, and there is an overwhelming variety of procedures, methods and tools. Ecologic organised the EPOS summer school on methods and tools for impact assessment which provided a training opportunity for young researchers and practitioners and took place from 16-20 June 2008 in Berlin Schmöckwitz. Inspiring presentations, intensive group work, interested and committed participants, fine weather - plus the Euro2008 football championship - contributed to making the summer school a great success. More information including presentations and articles is available for download.