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Ecologic Newsletter No 64 - June 2008

Ecologic Newsletter No 64 - June 2008

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Potential of the Ecological Footprint for monitoring environmental impact from natural resource use - Study online
  2. The cost of policy inaction (COPI) on biodiversity - Study online
  3. Reality Check on EU Bioenergy targets - Conference presentations online
  4. Flood risk management and floodplain restoration in Europe: recent policy developments at EU level - Publication
  5. Bio-energy and its controversial role in EU climate policy - Climate Talk
  6. The European Emissions Trading Scheme - Coming of Age? - Publication
  7. KNAPPE - Pharmaceutical products in the water environment - Project results
  8. Water Framework Directive: Exemptions become the rule - Publication

1. Potential of the Ecological Footprint for monitoring environmental impact from natural resource use - Study online

Ecologic led a comprehensive review of possible resource-specific indicators that might be used to monitor the decoupling of resource use from negative environmental impacts. The study focused particularly on the Ecological Footprint indicator and also developed a small set of indicators that together could assess progress toward decoupling. The study employed several evaluation methodologies, including RACER analysis, SWOT analysis and expert survey techniques.


2. The cost of policy inaction (COPI) on biodiversity - Study online

The continuing loss of biological diversity will cost the global economy up to 14 trillion Euros per year by 2050, which is equivalent to 7% of the projected global GDP in 2050. This is the result of a study on the cost of policy inaction (COPI) with regard to the EU's 2010 biodiversity target. Ecologic contributed to the assessment by establishing a comprehensive inventory of economic valuations of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The study was presented on 29 May 2008 at the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-9) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Bonn. It is part of a large-scale review on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB).


3. Reality Check on EU Bioenergy targets - Conference presentations online

In the light of the recent developments in EU bioenergy policies, an international conference was held in Brussels on 19-20 May 2008. More than 90 stakeholders discussed the future of Europe's bioenergy production and use from an environmental, socio-economic and policy perspective. Speakers from Uruguay and Indonesia provided a good reflection on the implications of EU bioenergy policies on an international level. The outcomes of the conference will result in science-based recommendations for further policy making as well as the identification of research needs, to be published in summer 2008. The presentations are now available at the conference website.


4. Flood risk management and floodplain restoration in Europe: recent policy developments at EU level - Publication

Against the background of an increased number of flood events and the dependency of their impacts on how the surrounding land is used, it has become evident that technical solutions have only a limited effect. New approaches to flood management, including the restoration of rivers' natural flood zones, have become indispensable. In this book section, Thomas Dworak, Head of Ecologic Vienna, analyses current EU policies and how they can be used for the restoration of floodplain areas. He presents a detailed and systematic assessment of the opportunities and challenges arising from water and non-water related EU policies.


5. Bio-energy and its controversial role in EU climate policy - Climate Talk

In January 2008, the European Commission published ambitious targets with regard to the future share of biofuels in the transport sector. By 2020, 10% of the fuels used in transport shall be biofuels. Furthermore, in the climate policies of individual Member States, biofuels also play an important role. However, more and more critics argue against the use of bio-energy. Controversies emerge concerning the climate footprint of bio-energy and the effects of biomass use on biodiversity and food security. The Climate Talk on 29 May 2008 convened experts who discussed potential strategies to address these problems.


6. The European Emissions Trading Scheme - Coming of Age? - Publication

Based on the first three years of experience with the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the European Commission has put forward its proposals for a review of the scheme on 23 January 2008. This article by Benjamin Görlach, Olaf Hölzer-Schopohl, and Hauke Hermann, Fellow with Ecologic, summarises some of the main changes proposed by the Commission in response to identified deficits, and outlines some of the most contentious points expected to feature prominently in further debate.


7. KNAPPE - Pharmaceutical products in the water environment - Project results

KNAPPE is aimed at identifying priority actions to reduce the occurrence, impacts and risks of pharmaceutical products in the water environment. Ecologic has carried out a state-of-art review of policy instruments to limit the discharge of pharmaceuticals into water. This review and the summary of an expert workshop held on policy instrument design are now available for download.


8. Water Framework Directive: Exemptions become the rule - Publication

The EC-Water Framework Directive (WFD) stipulates that all water bodies have to achieve good status or good ecological potential by 2015. It is conceivable, though, that most of the German water bodies will not meet these objectives. Many German Laender will therefore request a time extension from the EU. The authors, along with Ingo Bräuer, Senior Fellow with Ecologic, discuss in their article how exemptions can be justified in a transparent manner and in accordance with the requirements of the Directive.