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Ecologic Newsletter No 59 - January 2008

Ecologic Newsletter No 59 - January 2008

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Climate Policy Map online
  2. Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Allowances in the United States - A Northeastern Example - Publication
  3. G8 Impact on International Climate Change Negotiations - Good or Bad? - Publication
  4. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture within the Current Legal Regime Complex on Plant Genetic Resources - Publication
  5. Security Strategies and Environment - Lecture
  6. Cultural Factors as Co-Determinants of Participation in River Basin Management - Publication
  7. One fits all. Global Sustainability Standard for Natural Resources - Publication

1. Climate Policy Map online

The online Climate Policy Map offers interactive information on international climate policy that allows international cross-comparisons of key climate-related statistics and policies. Using the website's Map Creator feature, visitors can create maps on climate policy by combining multifaceted information on climate policy with data on energy supplies and socio-economic factors for 14 countries and regions. In addition, the downloadable Country Fact Sheets and Issue Fact Sheets summarise information on climate policy for specific countries and issues. The Legal Basis portion of the website provides information related to the main national climate policies, including binding legislation at the national level as well as some major political programmes relating to climate protection.


2. Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Allowances in the United States - A Northeastern Example - Publication

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) initiated the first regional greenhouse gas emissions trading system in the United States. This cap-and-trade program will begin on 1 January 2009 and will include sources from the electricity generating sector. The article by Camilla Bausch and Sandra Cavalieri analyses the implementation design of the RGGI trading scheme and its significance for the evolution of the international carbon market.


3. G8 Impact on International Climate Change Negotiations - Good or Bad? - Publication

Recent G8 summits have taken up the issue of climate change. Climate change featured high on the agendas of the 2005 summit in Gleneagles and the 2007 summit in Heiligendamm. Henrike Peichert and Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf analyse in this paper the recent G8 Summit outcomes and their practical impacts on international climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC. The paper argues that G8 Summit outcomes seem to yield overall positive influence on the UNFCCC processes, although more ambitious action needs to be taken and - most importantly - implemented. The paper is available for download.


4. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture within the Current Legal Regime Complex on Plant Genetic Resources - Publication

The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) is the most recent piece in the current regime complex on plant genetic resources. In their article for the Journal of World Intellectual Property, Christiane Gerstetter, Benjamin Görlach, Kirsten Neumann and Dora Schaffrin investigate the legal relationship between the ITPGRFA, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the TRIPS Agreements of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Acts of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).


5. Security Strategies and Environment - Lecture

Environmental Security has gained importance in the current political discourse. Last year's discussions in the Security Council give testimony to this development. During a presentation given at the Bonn International Centre for Conversion (BICC), Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf analyses whether and to what extent relevant security strategies of the US, the UN and EU integrate environmental aspects. A summary of the presentation is available for download.


6. Cultural Factors as Co-Determinants of Participation in River Basin Management - Publication

Finding a place for public participation in the policies and practices of European river basin management planning is a challenge for the authorities in the participating countries and territories. Understanding the relationship between national culture, the historical and political differences in the respective countries, and their practical experience with participation is considered important in the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. Knowledge and understanding of this relationship will help to provide a context and basis from which new participatory practices can be designed and experiences evaluated and will also facilitate the identification of conditions necessary for social learning.


7. One fits all. Global Sustainability Standard for Natural Resources - Publication

The world's natural resources face increasing pressure due to rapid population and economic growth. Ensuring sustainable use of natural resources will require on the one hand a reduction in resource use, as well as strong, efficient and internationally valid standards. The current discussion on certification schemes for biofuels serves as a starting-point for the discussion regarding the possibilities and ways to extend a global sustainability standard with a broad coverage of natural resources. This article by Stephanie Schlegel and Timo Kaphengst outlines how a global sustainability standard for natural resources (NRS) can be designed.