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Merkel calls on China to adopt climate goals

Merkel calls on China to adopt climate goals

Merkel calls on China to adopt climate goals


German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on China to do its part to combat climate change, but fell short of asking the country to take on binding emission targets once the current commitment period under the Kyoto protocol expires in 2012. China meanwhile insists that developed and developing nations should have "differentiated responsibilities" in the fight against global warming. "China has taken part of the responsibility for climate change for only 30 years while industrial countries have grown fast for the last 200 years," Wen said. "The fact that climate change is a priority topic in Wen and Merkel's discussions is already a significant development," said Camilla Bausch, a German climate policy analyst supporting the country's environment ministry at the UN negotiations over the Kyoto protocol. Bausch added that "it is probably a bit too early to expect China to make statements about concrete targets."

Read the full article published on 28 August 2007 for a price of 1,20 € at Point Carbon.

Keywords: Climate change, climate, China, Germany, international negotiations, Kyoto Protocol, Angela Merkel, Camilla Bausch

Date: 28.08.2007
Published in: Point Carbon
Language: English
Reference type: Journal Article
Price: 1,195€