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Ecologic Newsletter No 58 - December 2007

Ecologic Newsletter No 58 - December 2007

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Further Climate Change Action Post-2012: Capacity Building in the New Member States and Candidate Countries - Recommendations online
  2. EU Bioenergy Policies and their effects on rural areas and agriculture policies - Workshop outcome online
  3. Auctioning emissions credits - Silver bullet or abyss? - Climate Talk
  4. European Policies and Attitudes on Renewable Energies and innovative policies towards sustainability - US and NZ Perspectives - Riverside Chat with J. Morgan Williams & Jay Benforado
  5. European Union Policy on Bioenergy and the Role of Sustainability Criteria and Certification Systems - Publication
  6. Ecologic, IEEP, and UKNLO inaugurate new office in Brussels

1. Further Climate Change Action Post-2012: Capacity Building in the New Member States and Candidate Countries - Recommendations online

Ecologic concludes the project "Capacity Building in New Member States and Accession Countries on Further Climate Change Action Post-2012". The project convened about 450 participants from business, politics, academia and civil society in a series of ten events. The project produced a number of recommendations for future climate change policies that can be downloaded.


2. EU Bioenergy Policies and their effects on rural areas and agriculture policies - Workshop outcome online

Trade in biomass needs to be beneficial both for combating climate change and for biomass producers and society in exporting countries. At an expert workshop on bioenergy policies held in Brussels on 20 November 2007 most participants agreed that efforts should be deployed to ensure that the development of international sustainability criteria and certification systems for biomass production contribute to reaching socioeconomic and environmental objectives. The workshop was part of the AGRINERGY project which is lead by Ecologic and runs from May 2007 to November 2008.


3. Auctioning emissions credits - Silver bullet or abyss? - Climate Talk

After a long and controversial debate, the German government has decided to introduce auctioning of emission allowances in 2008. The Climate Talk on 26 November 2007 discussed the expectations which are tied to the new allocation mechanism. The debate focused on issues of implementation, mainly examining how auctioning can be designed  to ensure economic efficiency as well as compliance with legal norms.


4. European Policies and Attitudes on Renewable Energies and innovative policies towards sustainability - US and NZ Perspectives - Riverside Chat with J. Morgan Williams & Jay Benforado

On 28 November 2007, an Ecologic Transatlantic Riverside Chat brought together Dr. J. Morgan Williams and Jay Benforado to share and discuss perspectives on European policies regarding renewable energy and innovative approaches towards sustainability. The speakers highlighted the strength of European and German positive attitudes towards renewable energy, while stressing the continuous challenge the transition towards a sustainable energy system still imposes. Opportunities and challenges for innovation and leadership were the recurring central themes of the discussion, which took  place between policy makers and representatives from think tanks, business, NGOs and Academia.


5. European Union Policy on Bioenergy and the Role of Sustainability Criteria and Certification Systems - Publication

The EU has set ambitious targets to raise the share of renewable energies, particularly biofuels. This article, written by Stephanie Schlegel and Timo Kaphengst, discusses the role that bioenergy plays in the European policy context and the approach the EU is currently following to ensure the sustainability of biofuels. It addresses the limits of the chosen approach, concluding that certification schemes can not serve as the only safeguard for sustainable bioenergy but need to be complemented by other tools and policies.


6. Ecologic, IEEP, and UKNLO inaugurate new office in Brussels

Ecologic has expanded its office in Brussels and moved to a new location in the heart of the "Capital of Europe". The new office was inaugurated on 4 December 2007 with a reception. Caroline Jackson, MEP, welcomed ca. 80 guests. The loft space in an old industrial building is shared with the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and the UK Nature and Landscape Office (UKNLO).