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Ecologic Newsletter No 56 - October 2007

Ecologic Newsletter No 56 - October 2007

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. "Beyond GDP" Conference: Live webstreaming 19-20 November 2007
  2. European Climate Policy: A Success Story? - Publication
  3. Sustainability Lounge: "Come to where the future is" - Communication strategies for sustainable consumption
  4. Transatlantic Farmer-to-Farmer exchange on bioenergy and climate friendly farming practices
  5. Emissions reduction for priority and priority hazardous substances of the Water Framework Directive - Publication
  6. EU Water Saving Potential - Study online

1. "Beyond GDP" Conference: Live webstreaming 19-20 November 2007

The high-level conference "Beyond GDP" will take place 19-20 November 2007 in Brussels. Over 350 international participants will gather in the European Parliament to discuss how we can improve our measures of progress, true wealth and well-being. European Commission President José Manuel Barroso is confirmed to speak. Ecologic is leading the consortium organising the event for the European Commission, European Parliament, Club of Rome, OECD and WWF. To broaden the reach of the conference, presentations from the podium will be streamed live via webcast from the Beyond GDP website. To register for the event or tune into the live webstream, please visit:

2. European Climate Policy: A Success Story? - Publication

How significant is the impact of current climate protection policy related activities and initiatives in Europe? Is Europe successfully playing a leadership role in global climate protection policy development and implementation? Can European climate policy be described as a success story? In an article, Anna Leipprand and Camilla Bausch present an analysis of recent developments in international and European climate policy.


3. Sustainability Lounge: "Come to where the future is" - Communication strategies for sustainable consumption

Environmental and climate protection require new, innovative products and modified consumption habits. How can companies better market sustainable products? How can consumers be won over to sustainable consumption? Which responsibilities lie with companies, industry, consumer groups and policy? Those were the questions of the second  Sustainabilty Lounge held on 18 September 2007. The discussion panel included Gerd Billen (Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V.), Till Wagner (J. Walther Thompson Germany) and Achim Lohrie (Tchibo GmbH).


4. Transatlantic Farmer-to-Farmer exchange on bioenergy and climate friendly farming practices

On 9-19 August 2007, a transatlantic Farmer-to-Farmer exchange program brought together 30 farmers, policy makers, scientists, and journalists from the United States and Europe with an agricultural background. The program included field visits to farms and biomass processing facilities in Germany and the U.S. as well as visits to research institutes to see experimental bioenergy cropping, climate friendly agricultural practices and to discuss the link between climate and agricultural policy.


5. Emissions reduction for priority and priority hazardous substances of the Water Framework Directive -Publication

An important goal of the EU - Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to achieve good chemical status of surface waters by 2015. According to Article 1(c) "specific measures for the progressive reduction of discharges, emissions and losses of priority substances" must be implemented. For the priority hazardous substances, discharges, emissions and losses must be stopped or phased-out. The German Federal Environment Agency published this report, which Ecologic contributed to.


6. EU Water Saving Potential - Study online

In order to support the impact assessment of the EU's Communication on Water Scarcity and Droughts (July 2007), Ecologic analysed Europe's water saving potential by 2030. The study addresses the savings that can be achieved via technical measures without major changes in human behaviour or production patterns. Depending on the sector analysed (Agriculture, Tourism, Households, Energy and Industry), potential water savings up to 90% were identified. The study is available for download.