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Ecologic Newsletter No 55 - September 2007

Ecologic Newsletter No 55 - September 2007

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. CO2-emissions are still increasing globally - Publication
  2. Tracking down the Future Climate Regime – An Assessment of Current Negotiations under the U.N. - Publication
  3. Impacts of Climate Change on the Swiss Economy – Study online
  4. The Role of the OMC in EU Environmental Policy: Innovative or Regressive? - Publication
  5. ETTAR – Workshop on Transport and the Environment: Barriers to the take up of environmental technologies in the transport sector
  6. EU Environmental Governance and Regulation - Lecture

1. CO2-emissions are still increasing globally - Publication
Since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, climate protection and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are binding targets for many countries. However, total global emissions have not reached intended targets, indicated by the continued increase in CO2, which is the most significant greenhouse gas. In 2006 total global CO2 emissions reached 29 Billion tonnes, representing a 2.6% increase over the preceding year and an increase of nearly a third from 1990. In his report, Dr. Hans-Joachim Ziesing, Senior Policy Advisor at Ecologic, presents the development of emissions in the EU and proposes a common implementation of climate protection targets to insure the EU’s leading role in climate protection.
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2. Tracking down the Future Climate Regime – An Assessment of Current Negotiations under the U.N. - Publication
The heads of state of the eight major industrialised nations recently reinforced that the United Nations will remain “the appropriate forum for negotiating future global action on climate change.” Within the U.N., however, a number of concurrent “tracks” have emerged for negotiations and discussions, accompanied by a certain degree of overlap, and giving rise to questions on the mandate, scope and limitations of each track as a pathway to a future climate regime. Options for global climate governance beyond 2012 have been addressed in formal negotiations based on Article 3 (9) and 9 of the Kyoto Protocol, while parties to the UNFCCC have initiated an open and non-binding dialogue on future co-operative action under the Convention. In this article Dr. Camilla Bausch and Michael Mehling provide an overview of these developments.
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3. Impacts of Climate Change on the Swiss Economy – Study online
In response to new scientific results on global climate change and its impacts for human societies (Stern Review 2006, Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC), and as a contribution to the debate on international climate protection efforts after 2012, Switzerland has published a new strategy on its future climate policy in August 2007. Ecologic contributed to one of several studies that formed the basis for the development of this strategy. The study as well as related material is available for download.
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4. The Role of the OMC in EU Environmental Policy: Innovative or Regressive? - Publication
The Open Method of Coordination has so far mostly been applied in areas in which the EU has weak legislative competencies. Recently, however, several OMC-type mechanisms have emerged in the environmental field, where the EU has a significant legislative role. In this article, Ingmar von Homeyer discusses two environmental OMCs: the environmental dimension of the Lisbon Strategy and the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive.
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5. ETTAR – Workshop on Transport and the Environment: Barriers to the take up of environmental technologies in the transport sector
ETTAR has been established to identify and assess training needs, methods and activities for the wider use of environmental technologies in the transportation sector. Three workshops, each of which has a distinct theme, will look at the technology that is available to improve the environmental impact of the transport sector. The first workshop will focus on vehicle and fuel technology and the second on logistics processes. The third workshop will take a broader look at how technology can be used to achieve environmental improvements within the wider context of transport and planning. The first workshop will take place on 25-26 October 2007 in Gothenburg (Sweden).
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6. EU Environmental Governance and Regulation - Lecture
On 19 June 2007 Ingmar von Homeyer provided an analytical overview of EU environmental policy from its beginnings in the early 1970s up to the present. He showed that EU environmental governance today must be understood as an amalgam of four environmental governance regimes that have successively been layered on top of each other over the past 35 years.
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