Nachhaltige Biomassenutzung in Europa
- Publication
- Citation
Kaphengst, Timo 2007: "Nachhaltige Biomassenutzung in Europa." GAIA, Vol. 16, No. 2, 93-97.
Biomass constitutes an important but limited renewable energy source for the future. In this article, Timo Kaphengst discusses sustainability aspects of biomass use for bioenergy in the European context.
How can fossil fuels be replaced? Beside wind-, solar and hydropower, biomass constitutes an important renewable energy source. However, biomass as a limited resource is at the same time energy carrier, food, industrial material and the “substance” of biodiversity which leads to conflicts between utilisations and to challenging political decisions. From the perspective of the European Union, the following issues are addressed inter alia: How much arable land can be used for biomass production? Shall biomass be imported in addition to what can be produced domestically? Are biofuels the best option of biomass use?