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Ecologic Newsletter No 51 - May 2007

Ecologic Newsletter No 51 - May 2007

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Smart Grids - Future Electricity Grids in a Transatlantic Learning Center at the CSD 15
  2. The International Discussion in the Framework of the UN Conventions on Climate Protection and Biological Diversity - Lecture
  3. Beyond GDP - International Conference, 19-20 November 2007, Brussels
  4. Ecologic at the international climate negotiations in Bonn
  5. Future climate policy after 2012 - Capacity building workshop for new EU Member States and Candidate Countries
  6. World's First Fair Trade Sports Balls made with FSC Certified Latex
  7. Fellow Biodiversity and Rural Development - Employment
  8. Accountant - Employment

1. Smart Grids - Future Electricity Grids in a Transatlantic Learning Center at the CSD 15

Combinations of electrical, information and communication technologies allow for Smart Grids to provide dynamic efficiency for power generation, transmission and distribution. Ecologic took the lead in preparing a Learning Centre on the current state and potential of Smart Grids at the 15th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 15). The course highlighted the benefits of Smart Grids for an increased use of variable renewable power sources, while enhancing energy security, stabilising electricity grids and reducing the need for reserve capacity,  leading to economic benefits and reduced carbon dioxide emission.


2. The International Discussion in the Framework of the UN Conventions on Climate Protection and Biological Diversity - Lecture

The United Nations has dedicated the annual International Day of Biological Diversity on 22 May 2007 to "Biological Diversity and Climate Change", highlighting both the interlinkages between the two issues and the interaction between the relevant international or multilateral conventions. On 7 May 2007, the joint CDU and CSU party in the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) held an Expert Meeting to review the state of the debate and explore policy options and needs. Ecologic contributed a presentation focussing on the international regimes on biological diversity and climate change.


3. Beyond GDP - International Conference, 19-20 November 2007, Brussels

GDP is currently the best-recognised indicator of economic performance in the world. However, given today's challenges such as climate change, global poverty, pressure on resources and their potential impact on societies, effectively measuring progress, wealth and well-being requires indices that are as clear and appealing as GDP but also more inclusive than GDP - ones that incorporate social and environmental costs or benefits. In co-operation with Ecologic and other partner organisations, the EU Commission, Club of Rome, OECD and WWF will host a high-level conference with the objective of discussing how progress can be improved, integrated into the decision making process and taken up by public debate.


4. Ecologic at the international climate negotiations in Bonn

International climate negotiations were held from 7-18 May in Bonn, Germany. The meeting was especially important due to the negotiations for a post-2012 climate regime. Ecologic supported the German Delegation with Dr. Camilla Bausch, Senior Fellow.


5. Future climate policy after 2012 - Capacity building workshop for new EU Member States and Candidate Countries

In order to achieve meaningful action on climate change, it is essential to involve the whole society and raise awareness at all levels. This was one of the key messages from the workshop “Future Climate Change Policy: Looking beyond 2012“ that took place in Prague on 11-12 April 2007. The workshop focused on the needs and options of the new EU Member States and Candidate Countries. Specific reference was made to the situation in Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.


6. World's First Fair Trade Sports Balls Made with FSC Certified Latex

Fair Deal Trading, supported by Ecologic, developed the World’s first sports balls with bladders made of latex (rubber) coming exclusively from plantations that are managed in accordance with the environmental and social criteria of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The latex for these FSC Balls - footballs or soccer balls, volleyballs, hand balls, basket balls, rugby balls, tennis balls, net balls, etc. - comes from Southern India.  The balls are hand-made in accordance with Fair Trade criteria in Pakistan.


7. Fellow Biodiversity and Rural Development - Employment

We are currently looking for a Fellow for Biodiversity and Rural Development for our Berlin office.


8. Accountant - Employment

We are currently seeking an Accountant for the finance/controlling department of our Berlin office.