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Creating a National Plan for Ponds

Cover slide of the presentation titled "Creating a National Plan for Ponds: Recommendations from the PONDERFUL Programme." The background image shows a tranquil landscape featuring shallow ponds surrounded by grassy fields and scattered trees under a blue sky with light clouds. The title and subtitle are written in white text, with authors Jeremy Biggs and Hugh McDonald listed below, along with their affiliations: Freshwater Habitats Trust, UK, and Ecologic Institute, Germany.

© Ecologic Institute, 2024

Creating a National Plan for Ponds

Recommendations from the PONDERFUL programme

Prof. Jeremy Biggs (Freshwater Habitats Trust)

On 8 November 2024, the final practitioners webinar of the EU project PONDERFUL took place. Led by Professor Jeremy Biggs (Freshwater Habitats Trust) and Hugh McDonald (Ecologic Institute), it discussed how national and regional plans can be developed to protect, restore and create ponds and ponded landscapes. The aim was to inform policymakers on how these small but effective ecosystems can be used as nature-based solutions (NbS) to adapt to and mitigate climate change.

Presentation of new publications and guidelines

During the webinar, two key publications of the PONDERFUL project were presented: the technical manual and a guideline for policymakers. These publications provide practical advice on identifying pond sites, setting up monitoring programs to assess the condition of ponds, allocating resources to protect relevant sites and setting realistic targets.

Insights and discussion for practice

The discussion highlighted how decision-makers can use these tools to plan priority conservation measures for ponds. Particular emphasis was placed on the establishment of monitoring programs and the role of ponds in regional biodiversity and climate adaptation strategies. In addition, the importance of a sound data basis to support political decision-making was emphasized.

The event was part of the EU-funded PONDERFUL project, which focuses on the importance of ponds and ponded landscapes.

The systematic planning and implementation of protection and restoration measures for ponds can play a central role in adapting to climate change. The new PONDERFUL guidelines offer concrete tools and approaches for this.


More content from this project

Prof. Jeremy Biggs (Freshwater Habitats Trust)
Project ID
Financing of ponds, pond landscapes, nature-based solutions, NbS, biodiversity, climate adaptation, public financing, private financing, environmental goods market, landscape projects, cost-benefit analysis, sustainable financing, European pond landscapes
Europe, Turkey, Uruguay
Cost-benefit analysis, market analysis for environmental goods, evaluation of financing instruments, data collection from case studies, analysis of financing models, integration into profit-oriented projects, cooperation between public and private actors