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Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Coastal Regions Worldwide (TROPICAL ADAPT)

© unsplash 2024


Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Coastal Regions Worldwide (TROPICAL ADAPT)


The aim of the project is to support the promotion of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in tropical and subtropical coastal regions. This is to be achieved by strengthening the technical information base, promoting the international exchange of experience and developing and communicating policy- and implementation-oriented recommendations for action to decision-makers.

The project focuses on a series of international exchange and networking workshops in which actors from science, policy and practice (including international EbA networks and initiatives) discuss and further develop selected key topics. Case studies for EbA in tropical and subtropical coasts from different regions of the world will be presented, potentials and challenges identified and concrete recommendations for action developed.

The technical basis for the content of the project events and for the project publications will be developed in three research phases: Screening, in-depth study and synthesis.

The project results will be published in a policy brief series as well as in a summarizing final publication and presented at a high-profile launch event (e.g. as a side event at the 2026 CBD or UNFCCC conference).


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Project ID
Ecosystem-based adaptation, ecosystem-based management, integrated coastal zone management, ecosystem services, tropical and subtropical marine ecosystems, ecotourism industries, marine protected areas, mangroves, coral reefs, salt grass meadows, kelp forests, governance, CBD, UNFCCC
tropical and subtropical coastal regions
technical information base, international exchange, recommendations for action, networking workshops, case studies, events, screening, in-depth study, synthesis, policy brief series, high-profile launch event