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Ecologic Newsletter No 49 - March 2007

Ecologic Newsletter No 49 - March 2007

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Sustainability Impact Assessments - Lecture
  2. Amendments to the Waste Framework Directive - Study online
  3. Sustainability Criteria for Biomass - Experiences with FSC Forest Certification - Lecture
  4. Energy Security - A New Survey of the World - Publication
  5. Transparency, Information Disclosure and Participation in Export Credit Agency Cover Decisions - Publication
  6. Public Participation in the EU’s Sustainability Impact Assessments of Trade Agreements - Publication
  7. Renewable Energies in German and European Law - Publication
  8. Resettlement from flood-prone areas - Report online

1. Sustainability Impact Assessments - Lecture

The concept of sustainable development has gained tremendous popularity since Rio but is still challenging to consider in everyday political practice. On 28 February 2007 the German Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development held a public hearing on the Sustainability Impact Assessment instrument, which aimed at discussing existing concepts for Sustainability Impact Assessments as well as their integration in parliamentary procedures. Against the background of the experiences with impact assessment in the EU and its Member States, Ecologic Senior Fellow Anneke von Raggamby presented a summary of the opportunities offered by the Sustainability Impact Assessment instrument as well as its limitations.


2. Amendments to the Waste Framework Directive - Study online

The study, "The proposed revision of the Waste Framework Directive: An assessment of the Impact Assessment and the Implications of the Integration of the Hazardous Waste Directive" examined the quality of the Impact Assessment issued by the European Commission on their proposal to amend the Waste Framework Directive and analysed the impacts of the suggested merger of the Hazardous Waste Directive with the Waste Framework Directive. The study is available for download.


3. Sustainability Criteria for Biomass - Experiences with FSC Forest Certification - Lecture

Sustainable energy and climate change policy with respect to biofuels has become more and more important. In addition to offering a noteworthy alternative to fossil fuels, they also offer carbon reduction potential. However, increasing use of biofuels has led to new challenges in the field of economy, nature protection and social acceptance. Due to these new challenges, one important step is to develop a certification system for biofuels based on criteria of sustainability. Stephanie Schlegel, a Fellow at Ecologic, presented experiences with the FSC Forest Certification at the workshop, ”Sustainable biofuels - How to certify?“, organised by Econsense.


4. Energy Security - A New Survey of the World - Publication

Sascha Müller-Kraenner’s book questions the security of energy policy from global powers such as the United States, Russia and China. It offers a geopolitical perspective on the importance of environmentally safe energy resources.

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5. Transparency, Information Disclosure and Participation in Export Credit Agency Cover Decisions - Publication

Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) play a substantial role in the financing of infrastructure in developing countries. As the activities of ECAs are backed up by public resources, national governments have the power to set guidelines for ECA lending policies. Most governments include social and environmental aspects in their ECA guidelines. This book section takes a closer look at the role of transparency, information disclosure and participation in the cover decisions of ECAs.

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6. Public Participation in the EU’s Sustainability Impact Assessments of Trade Agreements - Publication

Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIAs) allow for an ex ante evaluation of potential negative impacts of trade agreements. This book section raises the question of whether, in the area of trade, a more decentralised approach to SIAs might be appropriate. It concludes by making a number of proposals on how to improve SIA processes by increasing the participation of civil society. Special emphasis is given to the SIA process in the European Union context.


7. Renewable Energies in German and European Law - Publication

The role of renewable energy is increasing globally. Renewable energy sources are supposed to meet half of Germany’s energy demand by 2050. In this article, the authors provide an overview on current developments in the law for renewable energy.


8. Resettlement from flood-prone areas - Report online

How can societies adapt to increasing flood risk in river basins and coastal areas? While a large range of potential adaptation options exists, in the more severe cases it will be necessary to consider retreating from flood-prone areas and relocating settlements and critical infrastructure. The Hertie School of Governance and Ecologic have recently completed a study project, the outcome of which is a report on policy options to achieve and encourage resettlement in flood-prone areas. The report is now available for download.