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Webtool Prototype Testing in the AMAREX Project

© Ecologic Institute 2024

Webtool Prototype Testing in the AMAREX Project

2nd Stakeholder Workshop

14th and 20th March 2024
Berlin and Cologne, Germany

On 14 and 20 March 2024, stakeholder workshops were held in Berlin and Cologne as part of the AMAREX project. In the second series of workshops within AMAREX, the first prototype of an online tool for assessing the potential of rainwater management measures was discussed with stakeholders in Cologne and Berlin. The aim of the workshops was to test the user-friendliness of the tool and to compare the requirements of potential user groups directly on the prototype in order to further develop the tool in line with requirements. In this way, valuable perspectives and input from green space, environmental, health and planning authorities as well as real estate management and other institutions could be gathered and incorporated into the further development process.

At the beginning of the workshop, the status of the AMAREX project and the web tool were briefly presented. The focus was on getting to know the prototype in small groups and discussing user-friendliness and the content and its benefits for everyday planning.

In the first workshops in fall 2022, requirements and wishes for such an online tool were already formulated, which were taken into account during development.

The BMBF-funded project on "Adaptation of Stormwater Management to Extreme Weather Events (AMAREX)" started in February 2022 and aims to develop methods that can be used to adapt rainwater management concepts to extreme events such as heavy rainfall, heat and drought at municipal level. To this end, the project is developing an online tool to illustrate the potential of various measures and evaluate their effect on the water balance, water extremes and site quality. The tool is intended to help promote creativity and commitment to water-conscious and climate change-adapted development in cities and increase the chances of implementation.



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14th and 20th March 2024
Berlin and Cologne, Germany
Project ID
Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), Nature based solutions, NBS, water scarcity, flash floods
Stakeholder workshop, Multi-criteria analysis (MCA), Costs and benefit assessment (CBA), web platform, information, communication, and decision-making tool, planning scenarios, development of a method and tool