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Pathways Towards a Global Market for Green and Sustainable Hydrogen

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© Ecologic Institute

Pathways Towards a Global Market for Green and Sustainable Hydrogen

Need for Action and Policy Options


Görlach, Benjamin, Michael Jakob and Ramiro de la Vega (2022): Pathways Towards a Global Market for Green and Sustainable Hydrogen. Need for Action and Policy Options. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

The transition to a climate-neutral economy requires innovative solutions, of which green hydrogen is one of the most promising. By using renewable energy to produce hydrogen, a sustainable energy source can be created that can be used in various sectors that are difficult to electrify. This approach offers a pioneering opportunity to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions while reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

Building a global green hydrogen market

The need to develop a robust and sustainable global market for green hydrogen is at the center of the discussion. The challenge is to find a balance between policy requirements and free market forces to promote an efficient and environmentally friendly hydrogen economy. Such a development requires international standards and certifications that ensure transparency and trust in the environmentally friendly production and trade of green hydrogen.

Political framework conditions as the key to success

Realizing the potential of green hydrogen depends crucially on the support of political framework conditions and international cooperation. By establishing clear guidelines and promoting research and development, the basis for a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly hydrogen market can be created. The implementation of governance structures that both promote trade and ensure compliance with environmental standards is seen as an essential step towards a sustainable energy future.



The authors would like to thank Heino von Meyer (PtX-Hub) for a thorough review and very valuable comments, and to Jörg Haas (Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung) and Jaime Fernandez-Medina (Brot für die Welt) for constructive and very helpful feedback. The authors would also like to thank the participants of two workshops held on 18 March and on 18 July 2022 for their inputs to the discussion, which have greatly benefited the analysis.

36 p.
Project ID
Table of contents
Energy, hydrogen, international trade, carbon capture, utilization and storage, international partnership for hydrogen and fuel cells in the economy, greenhouse gas, World Trade Organization, carbon border adjustment mechanism, CBAM, sustainability criteria