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Ecologic Newsletter No 48 - February 2007

Ecologic Newsletter No 48 - February 2007

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Sustainability Lounge: Global Markets between Climate Policy and Innovation
  2. Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble - Dinner Dialogue with Lester Brown
  3. Legal Implementation of User Charges for Global Environmental Goods - Publication
  4. Making trade sustainable impact assessment more relevant to trade negotiations - Publication
  5. Waste to  Energy - a Significant Contribution to Climate Protection - Workshop summary online
  6. Mission Sustainability - we face the challenge

1. Sustainability Lounge: Global Markets between Climate Policy and Innovation

On 24 January 2007 the Sustainability Lounge was started in Berlin. This dialogue forum discusses innovative ideas in the field of sustainability and encourages responsible corporate action. The discussion panel of the kick-off event included Achim Steiner (Director, UNEP), Sigmar Gabriel (German Federal Minister for the Environment) and Hanns Michael Hölz (Deutsche Bank AG). The Sustainability Lounge is organised by the Institute for Ecological Economic Research (IÖW), Ecologic and Vodafone D2.

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2. Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble - Dinner Dialogue with Lester Brown

The Washington Post called Lester Brown "one of the world's most influential thinkers." The Telegraph of Calcutta refers to him as "the guru of the environmental movement." While visiting Germany in order to launch the German edition of his book "Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble", he gave a talk in Berlin on 22 January 2007.

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3. Legal Implementation of User Charges for Global Environmental Goods - Publication

International airspace and the high seas are global environmental goods with traditionally unrestricted access. The ensuing environmental impact can be addressed through user charges for air- and sea-traffic. This book assessed the legal conditions for the application of such charges in international, European Community and domestic law.

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4. Making trade sustainable impact assessment more relevant to trade negotiations - Publication

While trade sustainability impact assessments (trade SIAs) have generated much useful information about the potential impacts of trade liberalisation, they have made very limited impact on trade negotiations, which generate unresolved controversy, if not deadlock. This paper contends that one reason for this is that trade SIAs do not explicitly recognise the motives for countries to resist free trade.

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5. Waste to  Energy - a Significant Contribution to Climate Protection - Workshop summary online

This workshop, organised by Ecologic on behalf of the German Federal Environmental Agency, identified remaining options in the field of waste management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The workshop also developed political recommendations. The focus of the workshop was waste incineration of municipal solid waste (residual waste) and the treatment of organic waste. Ecologic prepared the background paper and the workshop summary.

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6. Mission Sustainability - we face the challenge

All over the world, people are facing the challenge of sustainability. Through their every day actions and sustainability initiatives, they want to pass on to future generations a world that is ecologically, socially and economically sound and intact. Mission Sustainability intends to highlight the potential of small changes with big impacts that can change the world. The German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) invites everybody to take part in Mission Sustainability! An international jury will select the most creative entries and present them to the public. Winners can expect great prizes.

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