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Ecologic Newsletter No 47 - January 2007

Ecologic Newsletter No 47 - January 2007

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Handbook to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Publication
  2. EPIGOV conference discusses environmental policy integration at EU-level
  3. Ninth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity - Potsdam Recommendations online
  4. Water and Liberalisation. European Water Scenarios - Publication
  5. OECD Report: Mechanisms for Managing Public Environmental Expenditure in Selected OECD Countries
  6. Transatlantic Exchange: Announcing the 2007 American Council on Germany's McCloy Fellowship

1. Handbook to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Publication

The Handbook to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is now available. It serves as a reference document covering both the institutional framework and the thematic aspects of international climate change negotiations. The Handbook is the result of a project carried out by Ecologic for the Climate Change Secretariat.


2. EPIGOV conference discusses environmental policy integration at EU-level

The first EPIGOV conference focussing on the integration of environmental concerns into other EU policies will be held in Brussels on 15 February 2007. The conference is part of the larger EPIGOV project co-ordinated by Ecologic. EPIGOV analyses the modes of governance underlying environmental policy integration.


3. Ninth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity - Potsdam Recommendations online

The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety hosted a workshop of eminent experts in the area of biodiversity on 13-15 December 2006 in Potsdam. The workshop was organized by Ecologic. It was attended by 20 experts participating in their personal capacity and included former and currently active senior government officials from all regions of the world, as well as representatives from NGOs, the private sector, local and indigenous communities. The task of the group was to come up with visionary ideas for advancing the Convention beyond 2010. The output - the so called Potsdam Recommendations - can be downloaded.


4. Water and Liberalisation. European Water Scenarios - Publication

The book "Water and Liberalisation. European water scenarios" presents the results of the EUROMARKET project that analysed the organisation of the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector in Europe. At the heart of the project was the development of possible scenarios for the future of the European WSS sector. Ecologic contributed one chapter to the book and analysed the environmental implications of the different scenarios.


5. OECD Report: Mechanisms for Managing Public Environmental Expenditure in Selected OECD Countries

The report analyses selected public expenditure programmes supporting environmental investments in water supply and sanitation in four OECD countries (Austria, Belgium, France and the German New Laender) with the goal of illustrating a variety of possible institutional arrangements for the management of water sector public expenditure programmes in transition economies.


6. Transatlantic Exchange: Announcing the 2007 American Council on Germany's McCloy Fellowship

Ecologic's U.S. partner organisation, The American Council on Germany (ACG), is seeking applications for the 2007 McCloy Fellowship in Environmental Affairs. The Fellowships provide a unique opportunity for environmental policy mid-career professionals and academics from Germany and America to travel abroad for one month to conduct independent research, exchange ideas and best practices, and form lasting collaborative partnerships with transatlantic colleagues. The award includes round-trip airfare to Germany or the United States, pre-approved inter-city travel, as well as a daily stipend of $150 for up to 28 days abroad. The deadline to submit an application is 1 March 1 2007.