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Integrated Water Resources Management: MENA Regional Course

Integrated Water Resources Management: MENA Regional Course

Integrated Water Resources Management: MENA Regional Course


The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region belongs to the most water-scarce areas in the world. The problems associated with natural resource scarcity have been aggravated over the last years by the increase in water demands and resource pollution as a result of population growth, urbanisation and industrialisation. An integrated concept to manage the available water resources is required to respond to this situation. Against this background, the World Bank Institute (WBI) and InWent – Capacity Building International, Germany, acting on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and in cooperation with the Regional Center for Training and Water Studies (RCTWS), organised the capacity-building workshop “Integrated Water Resources Management: MENA Regional Course”. The workshop took place from October, 29 to November, 2, 2006, in Cairo, Egypt.

The workshop's aim was to improve the knowledge of local stakeholders with key responsibilities in the water sector about the regional water situation and related problems, as well as to develop possible solutions. The workshop also allowed for a wide information exchange between the participants.


The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is one of the driest areas in the world. The resulting water scarcity exerts a growing influence on the economic and social development of most countries in the region. Population growth, increasing urbanisation and industrialisation, as well as a growing agricultural water use, have lead to a sharp increase in water demands, but also exert influence on the quality of water resources. Insufficient wastewater treatment is partly responsible for  water pollution and has, among other consequences, an impact on public health. Ninety percent of water resources in the MENA region are used for agricultural irrigation. An integrated and participatory approach is necessary to balance out the different water needs and demands with the available resources. The concept of “Integrated Water Resource Management” (IWRM) focuses on an intersectoral and sustainable water resources management. The use and distribution of water resources must take account not only of economic and social, but also of ecological needs.

Project Objectives

Against this background, the World Bank Institute (WBI) and InWent – Capacity Building International, Germany, in cooperation with the Regional Center for Training and Water Studies (RCTWS), organised the workshop “Integrated Water Resources Management: MENA Regional Course“ held in English in Cairo, Egypt. The aim of the workshop was to provide experienced members of the water resources management sector in the Middle East region with a comprehensive insight into the various issues of integrated water resources management. Water resources managers from the following countries were invited: Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Yemen.

The participants were given background material on the various IWRM issues to prepare for the course. Ecologic prepared three of them on the following topics:

  1. Wastewater Treatment
  2. Economic Instruments and Water Rights
  3. Participatory Management: The Example of the Rhine River Basin

Ecologic also held presentations on these subjects in the respective course blocks during the workshop. Nicole Kranz addressed participative water management using the example of the European Rhine river basin, Nadine Herbke held a presentation on wastewater treatment, and Britta Pielen covered in her presentation subjects concerning economic instruments and water rights. The sessions on these subjects were also moderated by the aforementioned Ecologic staff members.


Nadine Herbke
Dr. Nicole Kranz
Britta Ammermüller
Jessica Ward
Project ID
Integrated Water Resources Management, IWRM, Wastewater treatment, Economic instruments, Public participation
Middle East, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Yemen