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Resilienz von Lieferketten stärken

Cover page of the workshop documentation "Resilienz von Lieferketten stärken: Klimarisiken erkennen und Anpassungsmaßnahmen ergreifen Dokumentation zum Online-Workshop am 13.09.2022 im Rahmen der Woche der Klimaanpassung"

© Ecologic Institute

Resilienz von Lieferketten stärken

Klimarisiken erkennen und Anpassungsmaßnahmen ergreifen


Tröltzsch, Jenny and Levin Scholl 2022: Resilienz von Lieferketten stärken: Klimarisiken erkennen und Anpassungsmaßnahmen ergreifen. Dokumentation zum Online-Workshop am 13.09.2022 im Rahmen der Woche der Klimaanpassung. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

On 13 September 2022, the online workshop "Strengthening supply chain resilience: identifying climate risks and taking adaptation measures" was held as part of the Climate Adaptation Week organized by the BMUV. The workshop documentation summarizes further information on the various presentations and recommendations, including further links.

During the event, recommendations for companies or government to increase climate resilience of supply chains were discussed. The following points can be summarized from the discussion:

  • Activities to disseminate information and raise awareness with a focus on companies and multipliers in partner countries and in Germany
  • Networking and exchange with actors along the supply chain
  • Intensive partner cultivation and investment in existing supply chains
  • Promotion of risk assessment and analysis through climate risk assessment tools
  • Voluntary integration of climate risk analysis into upcoming reporting on the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains
  • Joint consideration of different business risks


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Levin Scholl
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13 pp.
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