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Ecologic Newsletter No 45 - November 2006

Ecologic Newsletter No 45 - November 2006

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Promoting Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China - Report online
  2. Capacity Building Seminar of the Climate Technology Initiative - Presentations online
  3. Ex-Post Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Environmental Policies - Lecture
  4. Resource Scarcity and its Impacts on the German Socio Ecomic Landscape - Prof. Dennis Meadows - Upcoming Event
  5. Material Efficiency Award to a design seminar by Norbert Kopytziok
  6. Ecologic has signed the Countdown 2010 Declaration

1. Promoting Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China - Report online

The Chinese legal framework on public interest litigation in environmental matters shall be strengthened in order to address threatening large-scale environmental damage  due to China's industrial development process. Existing concepts of other countries have exemplary character. In the framework of the project, Ecologic drew up a report on public interest litigation in Germany, which was subsequently presented at a workshop organised by the GTZ in Beijing in the fall of 2006. The report and the presentation are available for download.

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2. Capacity Building Seminar of the Climate Technology Initiative - Presentations online

The 7. Capacity Building Seminar of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) took place in Leipzig on 21-25 October 2006. The CTI seminars‘ purpose is to build capacity and facilitate exchange of experience among experts from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the former Soviet Union. One focus of this year’s event was on post-2012 perspectives for climate policy and emissions trading. The participants also presented examples and discussed the potential for climate projects in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable energies. Ecologic organised the seminar on behalf of the German Federal Environmental Agency and the Federal Environment Ministry. The presentations are available for download.

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3. Ex-Post Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Environmental Policies - Lecture

How can the effectiveness of environmental policies be assessed in retrospect? Have the stated targets of environmental policies been achieved, and if so, was it because of the policies or because of other factors? Have targets been achieved at proportionate costs, or could there have been cheaper options of reaching them? These and other questions on ex-post policy evaluation were discussed at an expert workshop convened by the European Environment Agency and the Environment Agencies of Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK. Benjamin Görlach gave an introduction to cost-effectiveness analysis as an evaluation tool and presented experiences with ex-post cost-effectiveness analyses of environmental policies in Europe.

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4. Resource Scarcity and its Impacts on the German Socio-Ecomic Landscape - Prof. Dennis Meadows - Upcoming Event

The capacity of planet Earth has reached its limits. Our environmental impact increases due to the depletion of resources, population growth, emissions of pollutants and soil erosion. Only if governments, leaders in industry and finance, and civil society pull together, can a global disaster be prevented. On 22 November 2006 the Club of Rome and the SPD-Denkfabrik  will present this discussion  at the German Bundestag. Host-speaker will be Prof. Dr. Dennis Meadows, co-author of “Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update”.

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5. Material Efficiency Award to a design seminar by Norbert Kopytziok

How can the idea of material efficiency be combined with the emotional climax of a world cup soccer game? Can an edible cup replace the fried sausage? This year for the first time an academic working paper, written at the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Berlin University of Art by the seminar “Ecology and Design” received the German Material Efficiency Award. With this award, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology recognises best -practice examples for cost-effective improvements in the field of material efficiency.

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6. Ecologic has signed the Countdown 2010 Declaration

Countdown 2010 is a pan-European initiative to halt the loss of biodiversity, hosted by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).Thus far, more than 100 European organisations from all sectors and levels working in one or more pan-European countries expressed and demonstrated their commitment to the 2010 biodiversity target. Ecologic contributes to the initiative’s objectives through its research and consultancy, encouraging policy decision makers to implement the 2010 targets and to take further steps to achieve these targets.

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