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Ecologic Newsletter No 44 - October 2006

Ecologic Newsletter No 44 - October 2006

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. RhineNet - Participatory management of the Rhine river basin - Final Conference
  2. Public Participation in European River Basin Management - Lessons from the HarmoniCOP project - Ecologic Brief
  3. Geographical indications and their contribution to environmental quality and linkages to social & cultural issues - Lecture
  4. The Environmental and Agricultural funding opportunities 2007-2013: their influence on landscape change and sustainable development - Lecture
  5. Scientist in the field of water - Employment

1. RhineNet - Participatory management of the Rhine river basin - Final Conference

RhineNet is aimed at promoting public participation within the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Rhine river basin through the co-operation of various institutions and organisations. The project’s final conference will be held on 15-16 November 2006 in Luxembourg.

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2. Public Participation in European River Basin Management - Lessons from the HarmoniCOP project - Ecologic Brief

This Ecologic Brief gives an overview of the main results and policy implications of the HarmoniCOP project. HarmoniCOP provides a comprehensive knowledge base for public participation in water management. Centred around the concept of social learning, the project draws lessons from past approaches to public participation in EU Member States and gains insights from case studies conducted in nine European river basins. The Ecologic Brief is available for download.

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3. Geographical indications and their contribution to environmental quality and linkages to social & cultural issues - Lecture

The IPDEV research project partners met in London at the two day workshop „Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development“. Together with a high level group of experts and stakeholders the project results and policy recommendations were discussed. Stephanie Schlegel from Ecologic presented the findings on „Geographical Indications and their contribution to environmental quality and linkages to social & cultural issues“. Her presentation is available for download. Benjamin Görlach and Dora Schaffrin spoke about the international Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

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4. The Environmental and Agricultural funding opportunities 2007-2013: their influence on landscape change and sustainable development - Lecture

The environment is a cross-cutting theme in the European funding policies. Which are the environmental and agricultural funding opportunities for 2007-2013 and what are the consequences for landscape change and sustainable development? Rainer Müssner gave a presentation focusing on these issues at the 14th International Symposium on Problems of Landscape - Ecological Research.

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5. Scientist in the field of water - Employment

Ecologic - Institute for International and European Environmental Policy is currently looking for the immediate addition of a scientist in the field of water to its Berlin office.

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