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Ecologic Institute Looks Back on its First Anniversary of Membership in SDSN Germany


© SDSN Germany


Ecologic Institute Looks Back on its First Anniversary of Membership in SDSN Germany

Berlin, Germany

Since December 2020, Ecologic Institute is a member of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Germany (SDSN Germany). The network brings together thirty leading German research organizations as well as partners from business and society to promote sustainable development in Germany and German commitment to sustainable development in the EU and worldwide.

The Ecologic Institute is represented by its Director, Dr. Camilla Bausch, on the Extended Steering Committee of SDSN Germany. There, she also represents the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet) as spokesperson.

With its membership, Ecologic Institute aims to strengthen cooperation with relevant actors in sustainability policy research and practice in Germany and to provide impulses for a transdisciplinary approach to pressing issues.

As part of the SDSN membership, Dr. Camilla Bausch was invited to speak and provide impulses on several occasions in 2021, including an expert conference on "Promoting a green and just recovery: Leveraging the potential of G20 and G7 Cooperation". The event was organized by SDSN Germany in cooperation with the German Development Institute (DIE) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Dr. Camilla Bausch presented the work of the Think 20 (T20), its governance and content-related possibilities. The T20 is an independent association of leading think tanks and academics that derives policy recommendations from academic findings and feeds them into the G20 process. Dr. Camilla Bausch is involved in this process as co-chair of the T20 Task Force "Climate Change, Sustainable Energy & Environment".

At the invitation of professor Jeffrey Sachs (Earth Institute, Columbia University), Dr. Camilla Bausch also discussed an SDSN report on the implementation of the European Green Deal and its coherence with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A recording of the 22 November 2021 event, hosted by SDSN Europe and the Enel Foundation, can be found here.


Sustainable Development, SDGs, SDSN, Think Tank, T20, G20, Ecornet, Agenda 2030