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Ecologic Newsletter No 43 - September 2006

Ecologic Newsletter No 43 - September 2006

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. The different paths to climate protection - competitive or complementary? - Climate Talk
  2. Efficiency of Resources - Innovations for the Environment and Jobs - Conference Report
  3. PRIME: Responsible Investment Management of Endowments - Toolkit online
  4. EU Enlargement: A Success Story? - Project Report online
  5. The costs of EU environmental policies to business - Project Report online
  6. Alive and Kicking: The First Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol - Publication
  7. Senior Controller - Ecologic Employment

1. The different paths to climate protection - competitive or complementary? - Climate Talk

Climate change as a global phenomenon requires global action. The strategies of states are very multi-faceted and variable: next to the Kyoto Protocol (KP), which sets forth binding reduction targets, are a number of initiatives such as the Asian Pacific Partnership agreement for Clean Development and Climate (AP6) with a voluntary, technology-based approach, and the Action Program for climate protection put in place at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles. At the 9th climate talk on 7 September 2006 it was debated whether these varied approaches are effective for climate protection, and to what extent they complement or compete and thus hinder one another.


2. Efficiency of Resources - Innovations for the Environment and Jobs - Conference Report

On 31 August 2006 a conference on „Resource Efficiency - Innovations for the Environment and Job Creation“, jointly organised by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment and IG Metall (Industrial Trade Union of Metalworkers), was held in Berlin. Central in the discussion was the intelligent use of energy and raw materials as a key component of increased employment and economic success. Participants agreed that only a linkage between economy and ecology through the use of energy-efficient products and procedures will both provide chances for the future and preserve natural resources. Ecologic supported the organisation of the conference.


3. PRIME: Responsible Investment Management of Endowments - Toolkit online

Most foundations have a charter aimed at improving the state of the world in which we live. The single most important resource to achieve this goal is through financial donations, or the income generated from endowments. The PRIME Toolkit, produced by Bellagio Forum and Eurosif in cooperation with the European Foundation Centre, and with the participation of Ecologic, aims at helping foundation officers, directors and trustees better understand and integrate Responsible Investment practices into mandates they give to asset managers entrusted with the management of their endowments.


4. EU Enlargement: A Success Story? - Project Report online

Two years after the accession of ten Eastern and Middle European Countries, Ecologic assesses in this project the implications of this last accession round. The project, commissioned by the Member of the European Parliament Giesela Kallenbach (Leipzig), raises the question whether this enlargement round was a success or not. The project report is available for download.


5. The costs of EU environmental policies to business - Project Report online

The compliance cost that environmental regulation imposes on businesses plays a central role in the debate on economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability. However, on closer inspection these costs often turn out to be lower than originally anticipated. As part of a a European consortium, Ecologic reviewed ex-post analyses of the costs imposed on business because of European environmental legislation, and compared these to ex-ante estimates. The project reports conclude that some ex-ante overestimation is inevitable, and that the new EU regulatory flexibility could make accurate predictions even more difficult. But it nevertheless proposes a series of ways in which accuracy could be improved.


6. Alive and Kicking: The First Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol - Publication

In the end of 2005 the parties to the Kyoto Protocol convened to decide on a number of operational aspects of the international climate regime. More importantly, they also agreed to launch consultations on future mitigation commitments for the period after 2012, when the current “Kyoto targets” expire. Dr. Camilla Bausch and Michael Mehling analyse the outcome of the meeting in an article and discuss the summit’s significance as a first step in the further evolution of the international climate regime.


7. Senior Controller - Ecologic Employment

We are currently seeking a Senior Controller for the finance/controlling department of our Berlin office.