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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 222 – March 2021



  1. Water and Agriculture – Publication
  2. Nature-based Solutions and their Socio-economic Benefits for Europe's Recovery – Publication
  3. Ways out of the Biodiversity Crisis – Event
  4. Professionalizing Climate Policy via Legislation – Publication
  5. Implementing New EU Climate Targets for 2030 and 2050 – Publication
  6. Implementing New EU Climate Targets – Publication
  7. A Climate Neutral Europe by 2050 – Event
  8. From State to User-based Water Allocations – Publication
  9. Reducing Food Waste in German Households – Call for Collaboration
  10. Find the Blue and Bring the Ocean into the Classroom! – News
  11. Ecologic Institute Represented in EU Expert Group for Legislative Framework on Sustainable Food Systems – News
  1. Water and Agriculture – Publication

    Ecologic Institute contributed as lead author to a new European Environment Agency (EEA) report examining the multiple pressures that agriculture put on Europe's water. The report shows that that a wider uptake of sustainable agricultural practices such as organic farming, agroecological approaches and nature-based solutions is necessary to protect the water environment. To achieve this, ambitious measures to promote sustainable agriculture must be adopted in the upcoming EU common agricultural policy 2021-2027. The report is available for download.

  2. Nature-based Solutions and their Socio-economic Benefits for Europe's Recovery – Publication

    This policy brief provides an overview of the wide range of socio-economic benefits that nature-based solutions can generate. Co-authors IEEP and Ecologic Institute highlight the central role that such solutions can play in meeting the EU's 2030 commitments on climate action and biodiversity and identify recommendations to enhance their uptake. The policy brief is available for download.

  3. Ways out of the Biodiversity Crisis – Event

    Biodiversity continues to dramatically decline across the world. There is new optimism and significant political attention being paid to this critical issue. But are these new processes sufficient to successfully tackle the biodiversity crisis and stop species loss for good? This question will be addressed at the upcoming event of the Zukunftsforum Ecornet. Participation is free of charge. Registrations are welcome.

  4. Professionalizing Climate Policy via Legislation – Publication

    Governments around the world are seeking to improve the way they organize their climate policy-making. Many countries are adopting national framework laws to do so. Choosing the right design is key for making these laws effective. This paper by Ecologic Institute provides an update on the core elements of ten European climate laws and identifies several best practice lessons that could inform future climate law design. The policy brief is available for download.

  5. Implementing New EU Climate Targets for 2030 and 2050 – Publication

    To deliver its climate targets for 2030 and 2050, the EU is starting to reform its climate policies. Extending emission trading to road transport and buildings is among the most consequential proposals for implementing the new targets. This proposal promises stronger economic incentives to reduce emissions, considerable certainties for target achievement and additional revenues to support Europe's decarbonization. Ecologic Institute's paper is available for download.

  6. Implementing New EU Climate Targets – Publication

    Legally binding reduction targets for Member States have been the backbone of EU climate policies since 2009. At a moment where the EU increases its climate ambition significantly, reduction targets for Member States must continue. They should be the unequivocal starting point of reforms to make EU climate rules fit for the EU's new climate targets – a new Ecologic Institute policy brief explains why. The policy brief is available for download.

  7. A Climate Neutral Europe by 2050 – Event

    On 26 March 2021 the Climate Recon 2050 platform will facilitate an online debate with European Commission and national government experts, discussing the impact of the climate neutrality target on EU climate policy and national planning processes. The debate will feature insights from key experts bringing both the EU and the national-level perspectives to the discussion. Participation is free of charge. To attend, please register in advance on our website.

  8. From State to User-based Water Allocations – Publication

    In an article published in Agricultural Water Management, Dr. Josselin Rouillard, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, and co-author Dr. Jean-Daniel Rinaudo (Brgm) examine strategies to manage the overexploitation of water by agriculture. The research focused on innovative water allocation regimes involving strong collaborative approaches between regulators and water users.

  9. Reducing Food Waste in German Households – Call for Collaboration

    The project "Dialogue Forum Private Households – Reducing Food Waste", led by Ecologic Institute, calls on institutions, initiatives and companies that are already working on approaches to reduce food waste and sustainable nutrition to cooperate. Interested parties are asked to contact the project team via a short online questionnaire by 30 March 2021.

  10. Find the Blue and Bring the Ocean into the Classroom! – News

    The Network of European Blue Schools initiates the Find the Blue challenge and invites schools and teachers to bring the ocean into the classroom. By taking up the Find the Blue challenge, teachers and students will improve their understanding of the ocean, develop a sense of responsibility for our ocean (so-called Ocean Literacy) and become more active and responsible European and global citizens.

  11. Ecologic Institute Represented in EU Expert Group for Legislative Framework on Sustainable Food Systems – News

    As of March 2021 the EU Commission has set up an expert group to advise on a legislative framework for sustainable food systems. Stephanie Wunder, coordinator food systems at the Ecologic Institute has been appointed as a member of the expert group.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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