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Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zum Anlagenbegriff des EEG

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© Ecologic Institute

Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zum Anlagenbegriff des EEG



Hartmut Kahl; Wieland Lehnert; Martin Altrock; Stephan Sina 2020: Diskussionspapier: Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zum Anlagenbegriff des EEG.…

As part of a project to structure the energy law, Ecologic Institute contributed to a discussion paper on conceptual considerations on the concept of plant in the Renewable Energy Act . Based on the functions of the term "plant", the authors recommend a new conceptualization, according to which the current abstract term "plant" is replaced by energy carrier-specific terms "plant", which are first combined in a catalog to form a uniform term "plant". The discussion paper is available for download.

For the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Ecologic Institute, together with the Stiftung Umweltenergierecht, the Öko-Institut, and the law firm Becker Büttner Held, conducted the project "Analysis and Structuring of the Comprehensive Energy Law for the Electricity Sector" from 2015 to 2020 to develop proposals for an improved structure and consistency of energy law in the electricity sector in order to increase the comprehensibility and transparency of the legal framework.

The main focus of this project was to improve the consistency and comprehensibility of the energy law in general and the law on electricity labeling in particular. As project deliverables, the project team produced a series of papers on both areas.

For more publications on improving the consistency and comprehensibility of energy law visit Stiftung Umweltenergierecht's website.

Analysis and Structuring of the Comprehensive Energy Law for the Electricity Sector


More content from this project

Dr. Hartmut Kahl (Stiftung Umweltenergierecht)
Dr. Wieland Lehnert (Becker Büttner Held)
Dr. Martin Altrock (Becker Büttner Held)
23 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
energy law, renewable energy, Renewable Energy Act (EEG), plant, plant term, electricity labeling, guarantees of origin