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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 218 – November 2020



  1. Coordination and Cooperation of Water Management, Nature Conservation and Open Space Development in the Emscher Restoration – Publication
  2. Nature-based Solutions: Harnessing the potential for ambitious post-2020 biodiversity outcomes – Publication
  3. Guide for Integrating Nature-based Solutions in Urban Planning – a first approach for Colombia – Publication
  4. Expert Hearing on a Bavarian State Draft Climate Change Act – Presentation
  5. Identifying Aspects and Relevance of the Climate-resource-nexus – Event
  6. Towards More Fish-friendly Hydropower Production – News
  7. New Research Network Launched: Berlin on the way to becoming a social and ecological city – News
  8. Apprenticeship as a Clerk For Office Management – Job Opportunity
  1. Coordination and Cooperation of Water Management, Nature Conservation and Open Space Development in the Emscher Restoration – Publication

    The completed governance analysis shows that coordination in the Emscher catchment area is already effective. There is room for improvement when it comes to involving citizens and planning processes should ideally be characterized by a higher degree of flexibility. The analysis, to which Jenny Tröltzsch and Dr. Ulf Stein of Ecologic Institute contributed, provides recommendations. This paper constitutes one of six analyses of cross-sectoral challenges in water governance. These have been conducted as part of the STEER research project and results are published in separate analyses and position papers. The publication is available for download in German and English.

  2. Nature-based Solutions: Harnessing the potential for ambitious post-2020 biodiversity outcomes – Publication

    Recognition of the importance of nature has never been greater. A continuing decline in biodiversity, accelerating impacts of climate change, and the urgency of ensuring a sustainable and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic are generating unprecedented momentum behind the imperative of working with nature to address societal challenges. In this policy brief, McKenna Davis (Ecologic Institute) and Harriet Bulkeley (Durham University) highlight the importance of prioritizing nature-based solutions in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and supporting their uptake within and beyond the biodiversity community. The policy brief is available for download.

  3. Guide for Integrating Nature-based Solutions in Urban Planning – a first approach for Colombia – Publication

    Nature-based solutions (NBS) are emerging as a tool to integrate nature into territorial planning, with great opportunities to address these threats and benefit humans and ecosystems in parallel. The "Guide for Integrating Nature-based Solutions in Urban Planning, a first approach for Colombia" has been developed to facilitate the inclusion of nature in urban planning through a seven-step process. The guide, written by Carolina Figueroa during her time at Ecologic Institute as an Alexander von Humboldt International Climate Protection Fellow, is available for download.

  4. Expert Hearing on a Bavarian State Draft Climate Change Act – Presentation

    On 25 September 2020, Dr. Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, participated as an expert in a hearing of the Bavarian State Parliament's Committee for Environment and Consumer Protection on the draft of a Bavarian Climate Change Act. Together with nine other experts, he commented on the draft law and answered questions from members of parliament. The written statement of Dr. Stephan Sina is available for download.

  5. Identifying Aspects and Relevance of the Climate-resource-nexus – Event

    This ICARE-project (ICARE stands for 'Interactions between international measures for Climate Action and Resource Efficiency') online seminar served to discuss issues and relevance of the climate-resources-nexus among academic institutions. Mandy Hinzmann from Ecologic Institute, Dr. Thomas Gibon from Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (LIST) and Prof. Edgar Hertwich from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) presented findings of recent research projects dealing with the nexus. The presentations of the speakers and a brief summary of main discussions are available for download.

  6. Towards More Fish-friendly Hydropower Production – News

    In the Europe-wide FIThydro project, Ecologic Institute worked with research and industry partners to study existing hydroelectric power plants. Together, the project partners developed new assessment methods and technologies such as a fish population hazard index, simulations for fish migration and an open-access decision support tool for hydropower planning. The goal: making hydropower more fish-friendly and environmentally sustainable. All project results are available online.

  7. New Research Network Launched: Berlin on the way to becoming a social and ecological city – News

    With a new research network, the city of Berlin aims to be able to address central future issues such as climate protection, digitalization and sustainable economic activity more effectively. For the first time, Berlin's Senate Office for Higher Education and Research is funding a consortium of five independent, non-profit research institutes that are based in Berlin and part of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet). Ecornet is a German network of independent research institutes with a focus on the environment and sustainability. The goal of this unprecedented research project "Wissen. Wandel. Berlin" is to strengthen Berlin's pioneering role in the development of innovative approaches to ensure a livable, climate-neutral and sustainable city. At the Berlin Science Week, which took place between 1 and 10 November 2020, the network and its research projects were presented.

  8. Apprenticeship as a Clerk For Office Management – Job Opportunity

    For the next training year starting in September 2021, we are looking for a motivated and communicative trainee to become an Office Management Assistant. During your training in our Office Management department, you will acquire comprehensive and well-founded knowledge in the most diverse areas of office management, including secretarial and assistant tasks, event and travel planning as well as purchasing.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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