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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 215 – August 2020



  1. Biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions – Publication
  2. Gaps and Opportunities to Sustainable Urban Development through Nature-based Solutions Publication
  3. Implementation of the EU's Action Plan for Nature, People and the Economy – Publications
  4. Ecosystem-Based Management for More Effective and Equitable Marine Protected Areas – Publication
  5. Used Vehicle Trade and Fleet Composition in Europe – Publication
  6. Climate Protection and Resource Conservation – Publication
  7. Plastics Policy in Germany and the EU – Publication
  8. More Coherence Please! – Publication
  9. Reflections on Extended Producer Responsibility under the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive – Presentation
  10. Valuing Nature: Can Money Really Grow on Trees? – Podcast
  11. Innovating with Nature, People and Places – Podcast
  1. Biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions – Publication

    The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 aims to secure healthy, resilient, biodiversity-rich ecosystems that deliver the range of services essential to the prosperity and well-being of citizens. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are central to achieving the objectives of this strategy. Sandra Naumann and McKenna Davis from the Ecologic Institute have published a report outlining the contribution of over 30 EU-funded research and innovation projects towards EU biodiversity, climate and other policy objectives and sustainable transition processes. The report is available for download.

  2. Gaps and Opportunities to Sustainable Urban Development through Nature-based Solutions – Publication

    The multifunctional character of nature-based solutions (NBS) enables them to provide responses to both social and environmental challenges. Ecologic Institute's policy brief identifies gaps and opportunities to sustainable urban development through NBS at local and national as well as EU and international level. It also analyses local needs from the European and international levels. The policy brief is available for download.

  3. Implementation of the EU's Action Plan for Nature, People and the Economy – Publications

    As part of a European consortium, Ecologic Institute supported the Directorate-General for Environment (European Commission) in the implementation of the EU Action Plan for People, Nature and the Economy. The results of the project are expected to support the Commission and Member States in the implementation of the nature protection directives (Birds and Habitats Directives). The results include FAQ papers on the links between the EU Birds and Habitats Directives and the EU Nitrates Directive on the one hand and the EU Regulation on Invasive Alien Species on the other. In addition, two EU Habitat Action Plans were developed. The papers are available for download.

  4. Ecosystem-Based Management for More Effective and Equitable Marine Protected Areas – Publication

    This chapter documents the application of Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) in the Faial-Pico Channel Marine Protected Area (Azores, Portugal). The authors applied EBM methods developed in the AQUACROSS project to investigate how to protect biodiversity whilst meeting diverse stakeholder and policy goals. The chapter documents the steps involved in applying EBM. The authors find that stakeholder co-creation and collaboration is a key element of EBM and should be strengthened in the Faial-Pico Channel. Local stakeholders support effective and equitable EBM of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by clearly identifying challenges and priorities, co-creating solutions, providing low-cost knowledge and expertise, and through ongoing monitoring, enforcement, and evaluation of the impact of management. The publication is available for download.

  5. Used Vehicle Trade and Fleet Composition in Europe – Publication

    In Europe, limited information is available about the environmental characteristics of vehicles stocks and of traded used vehicles in terms of vehicle's air pollutant and CO2 emissions. In this report, Ecologic Institute and Fraunhofer ISI explore available national and European data sources of vehicle stocks and trade throughout Europe and compile the available vehicle characteristics. Based on these, the authors derive the environmental performance of vehicle stocks and traded used vehicles and assess respective regional differences. The report is available for download.

  6. Climate Protection and Resource Conservation – Publication

    As part of the ICARE-project (Interactions between international measures for Climate Action and Resource Efficiency), the present study investigates key findings on the climate-resource-nexus and identifies international measures for climate protection and resource conservation. The authors analyze these measures in regards to (i.) possible interactions (synergies and trade-offs) between them and (ii.) their potential relevance and fit for different world regions. The authors identify more than 10 relevant international policy measures and assess their regional relevance, applicability and specificities. The study is available for download.

  7. Plastics Policy in Germany and the EU – Publication

    This background paper provides an overview of all current laws and initiatives regarding plastics in Germany and the EU. Despite the multitude of approaches, guidelines and laws, regulatory gaps remain. For this reason, the authors call for stronger system thinking and an overarching plastics strategy for Germany. The background paper by Ecologic Institute is available for download.

  8. More Coherence Please! – Publication

    This article published in the journal "Politische Ökologie" examines various policies and approaches that are currently being implemented or planned as solutions to the plastics crisis. It becomes clear that in national and international policies plastics are mainly described as a problem of waste management, while waste prevention is rarely addressed. This leads to a transfer of responsibility to the individual. Linda Mederake, Ariel Araujo Sosa and Dr. Martin Hirtschnitz-Garbers (all Ecologic Institute) argue for more responsibility on the part of industry and politics and for the implementation of incentives for waste prevention.

  9. Reflections on Extended Producer Responsibility under the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive – Presentation

    On 2 July 2020, Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Dr. Stephan Sina from Ecologic Institute together with Susanne Altvater from s.Pro held a keynote presentation on "Reflections on extended producer responsibility under the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive" at the working group on "Implementation of the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive" and discussed it with participants.

  10. Valuing Nature: Can Money Really Grow on Trees? – Podcast

    The 4th episode of the Creating Green Cities podcast discusses the topics of business models and financing. Nature-based solutions are diverse and can be applied in diverse contexts and areas to achieve different aims. But who should pay for these solutions? And why?

  11. Innovating with Nature, People and Places – Podcast

    Innovation is the theme of the 5th episode of the Creating Green Cities podcast. This episode discusses different aspects of ecological, technical, social and systemic innovation. It asks how the effects of nature-based solutions can be assessed.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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