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Action Plan to Maintain and Restore to Favourable Conservation Status the Habitat Type 4030 European Dry Heaths


Action Plan to Maintain and Restore to Favourable Conservation Status the Habitat Type 4030 European Dry Heaths

EU Habitat Action Plan


Olmeda C., Šefferová V., Underwood E., Millan L., Gil T. and Naumann S. (compilers). 2020. EU Action plan to maintain and restore to favourable conservation status the habitat type 4030 European dry heaths. European Commission.



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Sandra Naumann
(The N2K Group / ATECMA)
(The N2K Group / Daphne Institute of Applied Ecology)
(Institute of European Environmental Policy)
(The N2K Group / ATECMA)
(The N2K Group / ATECMA)

Contributors: Alena Vydrova (Nature Conservation Agency, Czech Republic); Anamaria Roman (Institute of Biological Research Cluj-NIRDBS, Romania; Axel Ssymak (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany); Bruno E.L. Cerabolini (University of Insubria, Italy); Caitriona Douglas (National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland); Douglas Evans (EEA ETC Biodiversity); Fernando Ojeda (Cadiz University, Spain), Geert De Blust (University of Antwerp, Belgium); Geert Sterckx (Agency for Nature and Forest, Belgium): Gergely Király (University of Sopron, Hungary); Götz Ellwanger (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany); Graham Sullivan (Scottish Natural Heritage, UK); Isabel Alonso (Natural England, UK), Ján Šeffer (Daphne Institute of Applied Ecology, Slovakia), Joost Dewyspelaere (Natuurpunt, Belgium); Jørgen Lissner (Danish Environmental Protection Agency); Leonor Calvo (León University, Spain); Martin Willing (Conchological Society of Great Britain and Wales), Mihail Mihailov (Ministry of Environment, Bulgaria); Mike Edwards (Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society, UK); Mike Smedley (Scottish Natural Heritage), Pawel Pawlaczyk (Klub Przyrodnikow, Poland); Philip Perrin (Botanical, Environmental and Conservation Consultants, Ireland), Philippe Frankard (Nature and Forest Department, Belgium).

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116 pp.
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Birds and Habitats Directives, Nature Directives, Nitrates Directive, Invasive Alien Species Regulation, Nature Plan, EU28, Natura 2000, governance, Habitat Action Plans
Germany, Slovenia, Lithuania, Europe