Ecologic Institute Response to the Corona Virus Pandemic 2019-2021
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Kraemer, R. Andreas 2020: Ecologic Institute Response to the Corona Virus Pandemic 2019-2021. Blog, Think Tank and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP), University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, 1 April 2020.….
The global community of think tank leaders is coming together for assistance and learning during the corona virus pandemic. R. Andreas Kraemer, Founder of Ecologic Institute, summarizes operational experience and focuses on the changing agenda for think tanks in these times of corona. The blog entry is part of a growing collection curated by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the University of Pennsylvania.
Having applied the lessons from earlier pandemics, Ecologic Institute was prepared relatively well and succeeded in protecting its staff and operational integrity by completing the move to mobile working. On that basis, Ecologic Institute now contributes to developing policy responses to the crisis, from new narratives that may sustain progress on environment and climate policy challenges to new thinking about the interface of environment and health.