In 2009, many countries adopted economic stimulus programs to combat the economic crisis. The United Nations estimated that these programs totaled three trillion Dollar. The Ecologic Institute analyzed the environmental impacts of the 2009 economic stimulus programs in Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria, Slovenia, the USA, China, Japan, South Korea and the measures taken by the EU:
- The Green New Deal. Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise als Chance für eine ökologische Wirtschaftspolitik – Thesis paper
- Analyse der Konjunkturprogramme zur Bewältigung der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise aus Umweltsicht – Analysis of the economic 2009 stimulus packages of Germany, Great Britain, South Korea and the USA (China and Japan)
- Economic Stimulus in Europe – Accelerating Progress towards Sustainable Development? – ESDN Meeting, Prague June 2009, Background Paper
10 years later, the world is facing another deep economic crisis. The discussion about stimulus programs have begun. This discussion must draw the lessons from 2009.