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European Topic Centre on Biodiversity (ETC/BD) 2019-2022

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European Topic Centre on Biodiversity (ETC/BD) 2019-2022


The goal of the European Environment Agency's European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD) is to collect and monitor data on biodiversity, as well as issues and ecological pressures related to biodiversity. This data is used to establish the state of Europe's ecosystems to support the assessment, development, and implementation of EU policies such as the Nature Directives and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Ecologic Institute is supporting the ETC/BD since 2014 with data collection and assessment on ecosystem status and trends, policy analysis, and monitoring. Ecologic Institute is also conducting multiple assessments to contribute to the European Environment Agency's assessment reports.

European Topic Centres are important instruments of European Environment Agency (EEA) in monitoring biodiversity in the EEA member countries, creating an international database and analysing the current state and future changes of the environment. Ecologic's main tasks in the ETC/BD are:

  • Supporting Nature legislation in implementation, reporting and assessments
  • Supporting content development for the Biodiversity Information System for Europe (BISE)
  • Supporting the implementation of the Trans-European Nature Network (TEN-N) and the EU Nature Restoration Law
  • Updating and monitoring biodiversity-related indicators

Activities include analysis, data processing and literature reviews in the context of the Member States' reporting under the EU Nature Directives, inter alia, by authoring the State of Nature in the EU report assessing the status and trends of species and habitats in the EU. As a contribution to the TEN-Network, Ecologic Institute prepared an in-depth analysis in 2021 using an extensive survey in 12 Member States to identify country perspectives, challenges and possible solutions for several key topics for protected area management. Further work includes regular literature reviews on ecological restoration and supporting the development of the National Restoration Plans as well as analysis and measures on mainstreaming nature-based solutions (NBS), among many other activities.


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Wageningen University & Research Centre, Alterra (Alterra), Netherlands
Sandra Naumann
Project ID
EU biodiversity policy, EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, EU Green Deal