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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 204 – August 2019



  1. EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy – Technical Report
  2. Actors' Perspectives on Circular Economy Approaches in the Construction Sector – Publication
  3. Bioeconomy Concepts and Discourse Analysis – Publication
  4. A European Climate Protection Law – Publication
  5. Let's Say It in Their Own Words – Publication
  6. Water in Berlin – Virtual Water – Presentation
  7. Nutritional Medicine and Sustainability: Acting together for the better! – Presentation
  8. Experience the Future of Energy – EFEX Conference 2019
  9. Achieving a Food System Change Towards Sustainability? – News
  10. What is the Use of a Climate Change Act at Federal State's Level? – News
  11. Ecologic Institute is Looking to Hire – Job Opportunities
  1. EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy – Technical Report

    In a study for DG FISMA, Ecologic Institute and its partners supported the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on Sustainable Finance in the development of screening criteria for agriculture activities. The criteria are presented in the Technical Report on EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy. The report is available for download and the call for feedback is open until 13 September 2019. Following this consultation, the TEG will issue recommendations to support the development of future legislation on EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy.

  2. Actors' Perspectives on Circular Economy Approaches in the Construction Sector – Publication

    How can the recycling of construction materials in Germany be further expanded and professionalised? What needs to be changed so that more high-quality recycled construction materials can be used, especially in high-rise construction? The stakeholder analysis by Ecologic Institute's Mandy Hinzmann, Ariel Araujo Sosa and Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers focuses on these questions. Based on interviews with actors in the construction industry, they present concrete proposals for measures. The stakeholder analysis is available for download.

  3. Bioeconomy Concepts and Discourse Analysis – Publication

    In this report, Dr. Zoritza Kiresiewa and Marius Hasenheit of Ecologic Institute analyse bioeconomy strategies and actors. Their analysis shows that the 'bioeconomy visions' presented in the strategy papers are generally only roughly defined. The predominant vision is of a new form of economy that uses biomass instead of fossil resources as a raw material for the production of fuels, electricity, chemicals, plastics and textiles. The strategy papers also list various environmental issues, such as the substitution of fossil resources by biological ones, nature conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources. However, these are generally not emphasised. The report is available for download.

  4. A European Climate Protection Law – Publication

    The new President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has promised a European climate law. Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf and Katharina Umpfenbach describe what it could look like in the Tagesspiegel, highlighting five gaps the law should close. The article is available online.

  5. Let's Say It in Their Own Words – Publication

    In this article, Dr. Grit Martinez is concerned with the role of culture and history in relation to local knowledge and values, as these are displayed in the interpretations and actions of distinct groups regarding climate change. She argues that it makes sense to communicate the climate in a manner appropriate to the given cultural-historical context and imagery and to the relevant semiotic and material views of the people in it. The article is available for download.

  6. Water in Berlin – Virtual Water – Presentation

    Hannes Schritt, Junior Researcher at Ecologic Institute, hold a presentation concerning water in Berlin and Virtual Water at the BUNDjugend German-Egyptian Youth Exchange. As part of the presentation he explained the water cycle of Berlin and talked about political conflicts and initiatives concerning water in Berlin and the concept of Virtual Water. The presentation slides are available for download.

  7. Nutritional Medicine and Sustainability: Acting together for the better! – Presentation

    The annual NUTRITION conference brings together nutritionists, health experts in hospitals and nursing homes as well as pharmacists to exchange over current scientific and practical insights to support healthy diets. In her keynote speech at NUTRITION 2019 with more than 500 participants, Stephanie Wunder, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, presented the potential impacts of stronger collaboration between nutritionists and sustainability experts. The presentation slides are available for download.

  8. Experience the Future of Energy – EFEX Conference 2019

    On 24 September 2019, leading voices from European Union and United States civil society will converge on the Square in Brussels (Belgium) to share ideas and experiences to move the transatlantic energy transition forward in pursuit of a clean, climate-friendly energy future. Up-to-date information about conference programming can be found on the conference website. Participation is free of charge. Register now to reserve your spot at:

  9. Achieving a Food System Change Towards Sustainability? – News

    How can food systems be transformed to become more sustainable and climate-friendly? This and other questions about rebuilding agriculture and food systems to become future proof are answered by Stephanie Wunder, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute in her interview for ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU. In the interview, she reflects about the role of science and policy consultancy, identifies the opportunities arising from the EAT Lancet report, and identifies policy approaches. The interview can be read free of charge at ERNÄHRUNGS UMSCHAU online.

  10. What is the Use of a Climate Change Act at Federal State's Level? – News

    In a broadcast on Bayerische Rundfunk on 30 July 2019, Dr. Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, expressed his views on the core elements and added value of climate change acts at federal state's level in Germany. The broadcast aired on the occasion of the meeting of the Bavarian Climate Cabinet on climate protection in Bavaria. Dr. Stephan Sina co-authored a study on climate change acts at federal state's level with Dr. Heidi Stockhaus for WWF Germany, which was mentioned in the broadcast. The German broadcast "Was bringt ein Landesklimaschutzgesetz?" is available at the BR24 website.

  11. Ecologic Institute is Looking to Hire – Job Opportunities

    • Research Assistant in Water Policy / Integrated Water Resources Management

      As Research Assistant in Water Policy / Integrated Water Resources Management, you will support our Water Resources Management Team in research work, preparing reports and communication tasks within national and international projects.
    • Research Assistant in the Fields of Plastic and Urban Governance

      As Research Assistant in the fields of Plastic and Urban Governance, you will support our team in research work, preparing reports and communication tasks within national and international projects.
    • Linux System Administrator / Application Supporter

      As Linux System Administrator / Application Supporter, you will be responsible for the full lifecycle of front and backend services. Further, you will support our IT team with the development of the external web infrastructure, application support and other areas.
    • In-House Lawyer within the Field of Energy Law

      Ecologic Institute is looking forward to receiving applications from fully qualified lawyers with experience in energy law. You will work at the interface of the energy team with the legal team on energy law, environmental law and enforcement issues.
    • Web Developer with Drupal-Skills

      Our Web Developers advise clients and project teams on website concepts, structural design and technical usefulness. Additionally, they take on technical assistance, maintenance and development for the Institute's website.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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