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Ecologic Newsletter No 37 – March 2006

Ecologic Newsletter No 37 – March 2006

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Working Together Towards Nature Protection in the Caucasus 
  2. The New US Energy Policy Act between Climate Policy and State Action - Dinner Dialogue with Susan F. Tierney
  3. European Energy Policy with special emphasis on the European Energy Charta – Lecture
  4. Global effects of doubled atmospheric CO2 content on evapotranspiration, soil moisture and runoff under potential natural vegetation – Publication
  5. Ecologic supports McCloy Fellowships in Environmental Affairs

1. Working Together Towards Nature Protection in the Caucasus

The German development co-operation is putting five million Euro towards supporting the establishment of a trans-border protected areas fund for the Southern Caucasus. The Federal Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul made the announcement at the opening of the conference "Nature Protection in the Caucasus", which Ecologic organised, on 9 March 2006 in Berlin.

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2. The New US Energy Policy Act between Climate Policy and State Action - Dinner Dialogue with Susan F. Tierney

The US energy and climate policy was the topic of the Transatlantic Climate Dinner in honour of Dr. Susan F. Tierney, Managing Principal at Analysis Group, Boston. Against the backdrop of the new US Energy Policy Act, participants at the event discussed, trends and developments in the field of energy policy in the US and in Europe with a focus on climate and security related questions. This Transatlantic Climate Dinner took place on 20 February 2006 in Berlin.

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3. European Energy Policy with special emphasis on the European Energy Charta – Lecture

The 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident was the occasion for the Böll Foundation to host an event on Ukrainian and European energy policy in the premises of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe in Berlin. The event offered an opportunity for energy experts to discuss recent and possible future developments in energy policy, especially nuclear energy. Dr. Camilla Bausch, Senior Fellow at Ecologic, gave a presentation on the European energy policy with special focus on the Energy Charter Treaty.

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4. Global effects of doubled atmospheric CO2 content on evapotranspiration, soil moisture and runoff under potential natural vegetation – Publication

The atmospheric CO2 content, which might increase more than two-fold by the end of the century, not only has an impact on the global climate, but also directly affects the water balance of the terrestrial biosphere. Anna Leipprand, Ecologic and Dr. Dieter Gerten, Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research published an article in the Hydrological Sciences Journal that analyses these impacts.

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5. Ecologic supports McCloy Fellowships in Environmental Affairs

The American Council on Germany (ACG) provides mid-level professionals with the opportunity to travel overseas and broaden their personal and professional horizons through the McCloy fellowship program. The aim is to contribute to a mutual understanding of how issues are approached on the other side of the Atlantic and to forge lasting connections with transatlantic counterparts and fellowship alumni alike. As a German partner of the ACG, Ecologic contributes to raising the profile of the McCloy Fellowships in Environmental Affairs in Europe.