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Ecologic Newsletter No 36 – February 2006

Ecologic Newsletter No 36 – February 2006

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Handbook on improving public participation in water management - Publication
  2. Economic Evaluation of Flood Management Measures – Final report
  3. Climate Change Policies at the U.S. Subnational Level: Evidence and Implications – Discussion Paper
  4. Warsaw Conference on future EU Climate Change Policy - Summary online
  5. Public Participation in the RhineNet project - Lecture
  6. Moldova visiting Ecologic
  7. Ecologic successfully completes first module of Ökoprofil

1. Handbook on improving public participation in water management - Publication

The printed edition of the handbook “Learning together to manage together – improving participation in water management” was published in January 2006. Ecologic actively contributed to the development of the handbook, which is one of the main outputs of the European project Harmonising Collaborative Planning (HarmoniCOP).

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2. Economic Evaluation of Flood Management Measures – Final report

The 2002 floods of the Danube and the Elbe have demonstrated that the cost of flood damage can be enormous and might even increase in the future as the climate changes. Against this background, the International Office for Water and Ecologic have investigated the possible role of economics in designing long-term flood risk management strategies in a project for the European Commission. The final report is now available for download.

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3. Climate Change Policies at the U.S. Subnational Level: Evidence and Implications – Discussion Paper

Since the Kyoto Protocol came into force, the U.S. has been effectively pushed onto the sidelines in the area of international climate change politics. In fact, U.S. initiatives so far have by and large been limited to bilateral and regional partnerships to combat climate change through technological innovation. Interestingly, activities at the regional, state, and local levels indicate considerable potential within the American political framework, to develop policies at the subnational level that respond to the challenge of climate change. Senior Researchers, Markus Knigge and Camilla Bausch, published a discussion paper which identifies subnational activities and analyses their impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and policy making at the federal level.

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4. Warsaw Conference on future EU Climate Change Policy - Summary online

Ecologic organised a two-day international conference on future EU climate change policy in Warsaw. The Polish Minister of Environment, Prof. Jan Szyszko, opened the Conference, which was attended by about 90 high level representatives from 14 countries and the European Commission. The conference was the first in a series of events sponsored by the European Commission, intended to promote stakeholder and policymaker dialogue on these very important issues within New Member States, Accession Countries and Candidate Countries. A summary of the Conference is available for download.

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5. Public Participation in the RhineNet project - Lecture

On the occasion of a conference on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in North-Rhine Westphalia, Nicole Kranz presented experiences and strategies for public participation in water management in the context of the RhineNet project.

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6. Moldova visiting Ecologic

In January 2006, Ilya Trombitsky and Tatiana Sinaeva of Eco-TIRAS, Moldova visited German representatives of administrations and environmental NGO’s active in water management. Public participation was the main focus of several visits to various German water management institutions, organised by Ecologic. Particular emphasis was placed on the networking of environmental organisations.

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7. Ecologic successfully completes first module of Ökoprofit

After a thorough and successful audit of the recently introduced environmental management system, Ecologic was awarded the Berlin Ökoprofit certificate. Altogether twelve small and medium sized enterprises from Berlin participated in this round of workshops leading up to the certification. The programme is funded by the Berlin Senate for Urban Development.

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