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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 198 – February 2019



  1. Old Energy World New Energy World – Publication
  2. AQUACROSS Ecosystem-Based Management Cookbook – Publication
  3. Knowledge Synthesis and Gap Analysis on Climate Impact Analysis, Economic Costs and Scenarios – Publication
  4. Dialogue for Food Waste Reduction in the Out-of-home Sector – Chairing
  5. Towards a Global Plastics Convention – Lecture
  6. Raw Materials & Environment 2019 – International Conference
  7. Regional Food Systems in the Rural Urban Nexus Presentation
  8. Think Tank Policy Consulting (2018/2019) – Lecture
  9. 2018 Global Think Tank Ranking – News
  10. Economist in the Field of Environmental Policy – Job Opportunity
  1. Old Energy World - New Energy World – Publication

    Which trends and developments characterise the energy system in the overlapping phases of the energy transition? Which opportunities and which risks are borne by digital technologies and data-based business models in pursuit of an ecologically-oriented energy transition? How do the structures of players change and what challenges do different actors face? These questions are the subject of a short study written by Lisa Meinecke and Christine Lucha of Ecologic Institute. The study is available for download.

  2. AQUACROSS Ecosystem-Based Management Cookbook – Publication

    The AQUACROSS Ecosystem-Based Management Cookbook is a practical guide for policymakers and environmental managers to apply ecosystem-based management to protect aquatic biodiversity and improve social welfare. As well as offering a step-by-step guide and practical examples from the case studies, the Cookbook also summarises the project's results and makes final project recommendations, relevant for European, national, and regional policymakers working in the water, marine, biodiversity, and related sectors such as agriculture, energy, and tourism. The Cookbook is the final publication of the AQUACROSS project and the result of 3.5 years of interdisciplinary research and practice in Europe's lakes, rivers, coasts and oceans. The Cookbook consists of 38 interlinked and dynamic 2-page briefs, all available online.

  3. Knowledge Synthesis and Gap Analysis on Climate Impact Analysis, Economic Costs and Scenarios – Publication

    This COACCH project report is a stock-take of the knowledge on the economic costs of climate impacts and policy challenges in Europe. It describes the status quo and gaps in the existing knowledge on impact analysis and economic costs for 13 sectors. It provides an overview of existing knowledge on climate and socio-economic tipping points. The report is available for download.

  4. Dialogue for Food Waste Reduction in the Out-of-home Sector – Chairing

    With the start of the three-year dialogue for food waste reduction in the out-of-home sector forum, the prevention of food waste in out-of-home catering is being systematically tackled. Together with business representatives, civil society organisations, policy and research, this process will develop cross-industry guidelines for action and adopt binding targets. Ecologic Institute supports the implementation of the process and dialogue. Stephanie Wunder, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, moderated the kick-off event on 20 February 2019 in the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Topics included an overview of the European and national framework conditions as well as good practice examples from Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and Norway.

  5. Towards a Global Plastics Convention – Lecture

    At Scotland's International Marine Conference 2019, Ecologic Institute's Linda Mederake presented results from the study "No more Plastics in the Ocean – Gaps in Global Plastic Governance and Options for a Legally Binding Agreement to Eliminate Marine Plastic Pollution" at a session on international working. The corresponding discussion paper is available for download.

  6. Raw Materials & Environment 2019 – International Conference

    On 19 and 20 February 2019, the German Environment Agency (UBA) hosted the international conference "Raw Materials & Environment 2019" in Berlin. More than 25 speakers and about 150 participants – decision makers and experts in the thematic areas of mining, raw material supply, environmental assessment, climate change, sustainable supply chain management, and sustainable resource management – joined the event and discussed in various sessions and working groups different aspects of the topic. The conference aimed at fostering awareness of environmental issues in the national, European and international debates on responsible sourcing and responsible mining. Dr. Camilla Bausch, Director of Ecologic Institute, facilitated the two-day event, which was co-organised by Ecologic Institute.

  7. Regional Food Systems in the Rural Urban Nexus – Presentation

    "More organic, more regional food, fit for the future – Transition of food systems through urban-rural cooperation". That was the motto of this year's STADTLANDBIO Congress on 14 and 15 February 2019, which took place as part of BIOFACH – the International Trade Fair for Organic Food in Nuremberg (Germany). Stephanie Wunder, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, presented the policy recommendations of the research project "Rural Urban Nexus" in an opening lecture. In her presentation, she focused on the relevance of secure access to land for regional food producers as well as the necessity of an integrated policy that combines agricultural production, sustainable consumption and healthy nutrition, e.g. in the form of a federal food strategy.

  8. Think Tank Policy Consulting (2018/2019) – Lecture

    In the winter term 2018/2019 Doris Knoblauch, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, organized the seminar "Think Tank Policy Consulting" at the Otto Suhr Institute (OSI) of the Free University Berlin. It was the first time that this seminar was held by an Ecologic Institute researcher at the OSI. Similar courses have been taught before at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences.

  9. 2018 Global Think Tank Ranking – News

    Ecologic Institute is proud to have been ranked seventh worldwide among Top Environment Policy Think Tanks in the University of Pennsylvania's 2018 Global Think Tank Ranking. Since the introduction of the category "Environmental Think Tanks" in the ranking nine years ago, Ecologic Institute has continuously been ranked among the top ten. Another top ten-score was achieved in the category "Best Quality Assurance and Integrity Policies and Procedures".

  10. Economist in the Field of Environmental Policy – Job Opportunity

    As an economist with a focus on environmental policy, you can support our research in the area of emissions trading and climate policy through data analysis and processing. Please exclusively apply online and before 31 March 2019.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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