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First Assessment of the Environmental Compliance Assistance Programme for SMEs (ECAP)


First Assessment of the Environmental Compliance Assistance Programme for SMEs (ECAP)


Miller, Karen et. al. 2011: First assessment of the Environmental Compliance Assistance Programme for SMEs (ECAP).

This is the final report for the first assessment of the Environmental Compliance Assistance Programme for SMEs (ECAP). The report is submitted by AEA and Ecologic Institute, the consultants appointed to conduct this evaluation.

The purpose of this report is fourfold:

  1. Task A – Analyse compliance assistance actions undertaken under the ECAP programme. It is intended principally to assess the effectiveness and the usefulness of a series of actions that have been undertaken by or on behalf of the  European Commission in order to fullfil the objectives of ECAP.
  2. Task B – Analyse the results of the DG Enterprise study in assessing the contribution of SMEs to environmental problems and propose areas for future study to better understand the issue.
  3. Task C – Establish a process that will capture and evaluate information on how compliant SMEs are with environmental legislation.
  4. Task D – Review of information from Parts A-C and compile findings and recommendations on the future development of the ECAP programme.
Alexander Neubauer
Karen Miller
Adarsh Varma
Evan Williams
259 pp.
Project ID
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