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Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 192 – August 2018



  1. Conserving Resources as a Future Issue – Publication
  2. System Analysis for Environmental Policy – Publication
  3. Potential Impacts of Developments and Strategies Relevant to Resource Policy – Publication
  4. Preventing and Remediating Degradation of Soils in Europe – RECARE Final Policy Conference
  5. Ecosystem-Based Management for the Protection of Aquatic Biodiversity – AQUACROSS Final Conference
  6. Sustainable Environmental Education in Schools – Webinar
  7. Taking Stock of Nature-based Solution in European Cities and Related Policies – Presentation
  8. Opportunities and Challenges Regarding the Coal Phase-out – Chairing
  9. A Climate Law for Germany – Climate Talk
  10. Researcher in the Field of Energy and Climate Policy – Job Opportunity
  1. Conserving Resources as a Future Issue – Publication

    The national and international political agenda shows that resource conservation is a central task for environmental policy: In Germany, Europe and globally, there are political programmes and strategies aimed at fostering sustainable resource use. In five theses, this brochure from the SimRess project shows that an integrative and systemically designed resource policy contributes to achieving the goals of resource protection and climate protection. The study was carried out by Ecologic Institute with Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Susanne Langsdorf as co-authors. The brochure is available for download.

  2. System Analysis for Environmental Policy – Publication

    Systems analysis could be an essential approach to shape resource efficiency policy in a sustainable long term perspective. In the SimRess project a participatory approach helped designing the simulation model. The report, which is available for download, documents and summarizes the various results of the workshops and the systems analysis. The study was carried out by Ecologic Institute with Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers as lead-author.

  3. Potential Impacts of Developments and Strategies Relevant to Resource Policy – Publication

    The SimRess project tested the potential effects of future developments and strategies relevant to resource policy on important environmental and economic indicators. The study was carried out by Ecologic Institute and summarises the main project findings of the project "Models, Potentials and Long-Term Scenarios for Resource Efficiency". It is available for download.

  4. Preventing and Remediating Degradation of Soils in Europe – RECARE Final Policy Conference

    What is the best way forward for soil protection in the EU? How can we improve EU policies to secure the delivery of soil ecosystem services? These questions will be at the core of the final conference of the RECARE project to take place on 27 September 2018 in Brussels. Registrations for this event, which is organised by Ecologic Institute, are welcome. The agenda is available online.

  5. Ecosystem-Based Management for the Protection of Aquatic Biodiversity – AQUACROSS Final Conference

    Led by Ecologic Institute, sixteen project partners have worked for the past three years to advance knowledge and application of ecosystem-based management (EBM) for aquatic ecosystems to support the timely achievement of the European 2020 Biodiversity Strategy targets. Join the Final AQUACROSS Conference on 10 and 11 October in Brussels (Belgium) showcasing and discussing project results with stakeholders from all over Europe. Registrations are welcome.

  6. Sustainable Environmental Education in Schools – Webinar

    How does plastic litter end up in the sea? How much microplastic does our shower scrub contain? Where exactly is the plastic waste in the ocean? What do our rivers have to do with it? And how can I, as an individual living far away from the coast, participate in real research on seas and oceans? These and other questions will be answered in a webinar for teachers and youth group leaders on 13 September 2018 at 5 pm. Registrations are welcome.

  7. Taking Stock of Nature-based Solutions in European Cities and Related Policies – Presentation

    In July 2018, Sandra Naumann from the Ecologic Institute joined the 2nd International Seminar on nature-based solutions in Brasilia (Brazil) to discuss the state of knowledge, experiences and challenges related to implementing nature-based solutions (NBS). She presented an overview of the almost 1000 NBS contained within the Urban Nature Atlas as well as results from the EU and national policy review conducted as part of the EU-funded NATURVATION project. Attendees included over 100 representatives of Brazilian and European cities, national and local authorities and decision makers, as well as from research, business and international organisations. The presentation slides are available online.

  8. Opportunities and Challenges Regarding the Coal Phase-out – Chairing

    If and how Germany can afford the coal phase-out was the subject of the presentation by Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert at an event, which took place on the heels of the first meeting of the new German task force for phasing out coal power. Co-hosted by the DIW Berlin and the OECD Berlin, Dr. Camilla Bausch of Ecologic Institute discussed with Prof. Kemfert and the audience the broad range of relevant questions.

  9. A Climate Law for Germany – Climate Talk

    Germany seems to be missing its climate protection targets for 2020 – can a climate protection law help avoid such failures in the future? Will the Climate Protection Plan 2050 and its sectoral goals be bindingly anchored in the law? A round of Berlin experts discussed these questions at the Climate Talk at Ecologic Institute.

  10. Researcher in the Field of Energy and Climate Policy – Job Opportunity

    As a Researcher, you will support our team in working on projects related to national and European energy and climate policy. In addition, you will support the acquisition of new projects in these fields. Please apply exclusively online and before 7 September 2018.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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