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Ecologic Newsletter No 189 – June 2018



  1. Developing Countries in the Lead – What Drives the Diffusion of Plastic Bag Policies? – Publication
  2. Innovative Bio-based Products: Investment, Environmental Impacts and Future Perspectives – Conference
  3. Contemporary Resource Policy and Decoupling Trends – Publication
  4. Regional Food Systems and Sustainable Land Use in the Rural Urban Nexus – Workshop
  5. CO-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs – Workshop
  6. Fish Protection and Downstream Migration – Final Workshop
  7. Emissions Reductions: Approaches to Carbon Markets – Presentation
  8. World Climate Summit of Poetry – Poetry Talk
  9. Sustainability Transitions: What is the stake of cultural conventions? – Panel Discussion
  10. Apprenticeship as Event Management Assistant – Job Opportunity
  11. Researcher in the Field of Climate Protection & Urban Governance – Job Opportunity
  1. Developing Countries in the Lead – What Drives the Diffusion of Plastic Bag Policies? – Publication

    While diffusion patterns are quite well understood in the context of the Global North, diffusion research has only been applied to a limited extent to investigate how policies spread across developing countries. In this article, Ecologic Institute's Doris Knoblauch, Linda Mederake and Ulf Stein therefore analyze the diffusion patterns of plastic bag bans and plastic bag taxes in the Global South and Global North to contribute to the further refinement of diffusion theory by specifically addressing the under-researched Global South. The article is available for download.

  2. Innovative Bio-based Products: Investment, Environmental Impacts and Future Perspectives – Conference

    On 6 June 2018, this conference looked into the innovative bio-based products sector. It presented key insights on the environmental impacts, investment potential and innovative aspects of selected bio-based products. The conference programme, a booklet presenting 15 success stories of bio-based products in the European Union and a booklet on the top 20 emerging bio-based products are available for download.

  3. Contemporary Resource Policy and Decoupling Trends – Publication

    Addressing climate change and natural resource depletion has been key to the international and national sustainability agenda for almost 30 years. Despite existing efforts, global CO2 emissions and raw material use levels continue to grow. This seems to suggest the need for more systemic approaches in environmental policy. The authors, among them Ecologic Institute's Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, call upon policy makers to integrate rebound mitigation strategies and move beyond exclusively improving efficiency to tackling structural and behavioural changes. The article is available for download.

  4. Regional Food Systems and Sustainable Land Use in the Rural Urban Nexus – Workshop

    Ecologic Institute and ICLEI organised an expert workshop on 11 April 2018 to demonstrate the potential of regional food systems for establishing sustainable rural-urban linkages. Stephanie Wunder, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute and project leader, presented the state of knowledge on success factors of regional food policies from international processes and conclusions for the German context to local policy makers, federal policy makers as well as participants from research and civil society. The workshop summary, agenda and participant list are available for download.

  5. CO-designing the Assessment of Climate Change Costs – Workshop

    On 17 May 2018, research partners and stakeholders from the COACCH (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) project met in Brussels for the first interactive co-design workshop. Ecologic Institute was responsible for designing the interactive workshop concept and for producing the synthesis of the current knowledge on climate change costs and research gaps, a copy is available for download. The key findings were presented by Ecologic Institute Fellow Jenny Tröltzsch and project partner Paul Watkiss. The synthesis is available for download.

  6. Fish Protection and Downstream Migration – Final Workshop

    The 7th workshop of the forum "Fish Protection and Downstream Migration" was dedicated to the topic of improving the implementation of measures at the end of the second cycle of the forum. The workshop took place in Dresden in April 2018. Important to this workshop was the task of creating a summary of the intense discourse that had taken place between all of the stakeholders over the past six years. These discourses were then synthesized into twelve guidelines. The recommendations and results of the event are available for download.

  7. Emissions Reductions: Approaches to Carbon Markets – Presentation

    Ecologic Institute's Elizabeth Zelljadt explained emissions trading systems (ETS) at a workshop on carbon pricing in Latin America and the Caribbean hosted by the environmental advocacy group World Wildlife Fund (WWF). As several Latin American countries are implementing carbon pricing policies – from carbon taxes applied to fossil fuels to carbon markets similar to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) – Latin American WWF leaders brought their members together with external carbon pricing experts for a workshop on measures to price carbon around the world. The international group of participants, which included officials from the Mexican government and the United Nations, also addressed the status of global negotiations around this issue.

  8. World Climate Summit of Poetry – Poetry Talk

    Instances of extreme temperatures and hurricanes are increasing in number and frequency. Polar ice masses are withdrawing further, rising sea levels are flooding first inhabited islands in the Pacific. Climate change is threatening mankind. What do two degrees Celsius of global warming mean and what happens when we exceed them? Poets react to these facts. At the 19th Poetry Festival Berlin, poets talked together with Daniela Seel (editor and poet) and Arne Riedel (Ecologic Institute) in a "Poetry Talk: World Climate Summit of Poetry". The discussion touched upon the potential of poetry to connect people emotionally to climate change and how it can generate attention for this topic.

  9. Sustainability Transitions: What is the stake of cultural conventions? – Panel Discussion

    From 11 until 14 June 2018 transitions scholars and stakeholders from around the world met for the 9th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) conference in Manchester (United Kingdom). For almost a decade IST has been providing a forum for debate on all aspects of sustainability transitions research. At this year’s conference special attention was given to interdependencies between changes in technology, changes in business models and services, and changes in everyday life. Dr. Grit Martinez of Ecologic Institute spoke in a dialogue session about cultural conventions, system reconfigurations and transitions.

  10. Apprenticeship as Event Management Assistant – Job Opportunity

    For the next training year starting in September 2018, we are looking for a motivated and communicative trainee to become an Event Management Assistant. During your training, you will support our events team in organising and staging scientific and political events, including national and international large-scale conferences, workshops and visiting programmes. Please apply exclusively online and before 29 June 2018.

  11. Researcher in the Field of Climate Protection & Urban Governance – Job Opportunity

    As Researcher in Climate Protection & Urban Governance, you will support our team in working on projects on national and European climate policy and urban governance. In particular, you will work at the interface between traditional emission reduction approaches and adaptation – especially in cities – to climate change. In addition, you will support the acquisition of new projects in these fields. Please apply exclusively online and before 22 June 2018.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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