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Ecologic Newsletter No 186 – March 2018



  1. Urban Nature Atlas – NATURVATION Database
  2. Implementation Approaches for SDG 15.3 on "Land Degradation Neutrality" and Development of a Soil Indicator – Publication
  3. Implementing SDG Target 15.3 on "Land Degradation Neutrality" – Publication
  4. The Invisible Subsoil – Presentation
  5. The EU Innovation Fund – Publication
  6. Plastic Pirates – The Sea Begins Here! – Citizen Science Campaign
  7. Business Mitigates Climate Change – Kick-off Event for the Working Group Sessions
  8. Dr. Camilla Bausch Presents the DENEFF PERPETUUM Energy Efficiency Prize – Chairing
  9. Could Strategic Communication be the Solution to Reaching Policymakers and the Public? – Panel Discussion
  10. World Wetlands Day 2018 – News
  1. Urban Nature Atlas – NATURVATION Database

    So far, the Urban Nature Atlas has collected evidence on 1000 nature-based solutions (NBS) interventions. With that, it provides the most comprehensive basis for the analysis of socio-economic and innovation patterns associated with urban NBS in Europe. Ecologic Institute was involved in the design and implementation of the database, which is intended to support research, policy and public relations.

  2. Implementation Approaches for SDG 15.3 on "Land Degradation Neutrality" and Development of a Soil Indicator – Publication

    This report presents the key concepts, definitions, and implementation approaches for SDG 15.3 on "Land Degradation Neutrality" (LDN). It discusses options for implementing LDN in Germany and suggests a proxy indicator based on land use changes. For this purpose, a seven-stage procedure for national implementation is developed. This report by Ecologic Institute is available for download.

  3. Implementing SDG Target 15.3 on "Land Degradation Neutrality" – Publication

    This report by Ecologic Institute deals with the international and in particular with the European discussion on the implementation of the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) concept. It deals with European peculiarities of implementation and develops an indicator based on land-use changes. The report is available for download.

  4. The Invisible Subsoil – Presentation

    The BONARES conference "Soil as a Sustainable Resource" took place in Berlin from 26 to 28 February 2018. Ecologic Institute staff attended the conference and presented the interim results of the Soil³ project – Sustainable Subsoil Management. Dr. Ana Frelih-Larsen, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, gave a presentation on "Social acceptance of measures to improve the subsoil in German agriculture". Within the BMBF-funded project Soil³ – Sustainable Subsoil Management, Ecologic Institute is responsible for socio-economic issues.

  5. The EU Innovation Fund – Publication

    The long-term transformation to a low-carbon economy requires innovation in technology and existing practices in all sectors of the economy. The Innovation Fund under the EU Emissions Trading System is meant to support such innovation projects in industry and energy. According to analysis by the Ecologic Institute, the IF should focus on break-through projects with a high additional emission reduction effect and provide adequate financing conditions that allow also for high risk projects to be supported. The analysis is available for download.

  6. Plastic Pirates – The Sea Begins Here! – Citizen Science Campaign

    Initially developed for the Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the funding for the youth campaign "Plastic Pirates" has been extended as part of the BMBF's research focus "Plastic in the Environment". The campaign takes place from 1 May until 30 June 2018 and allows young people between 10 and 16 years old to become scientists and contribute to a large citizen science project. A second period for sampling is envisaged for 15 September until 15 November 2018. We invite all young people to join! For "Plastic Pirates", the PlastikNet team at Ecologic Institute is collaborating with the Kieler Forschungswerkstatt.

  7. Business Mitigates Climate Change – Kick-off Event for the Working Group Sessions

    At the kick kick-off event for its six thematic working groups, the dialogue forum "Business Mitigates Climate Change" of around 200 leading German companies discussed how they could increase their climate change mitigation efforts and move forward on the way to a low carbon economy. Ecologic Institute organised the conference together with Ernst & Young and Wuppertal Institut.

  8. Dr. Camilla Bausch Presents the DENEFF PERPETUUM Energy Efficiency Prize – Chairing

    Imagine a ceiling panel offering lighting, efficient cooling and improved acoustics all in one. Or an app that calculates the energy use of single appliances in your home as well as the cost of their power consumption at any given moment. And how about an environmentally-friendly process to insulate buildings using digitalization and robotics? These were among the innovations in the running for the PERPETUUM Energy Efficiency Prize. Dr. Camilla Bausch of Ecologic Institute headed the jury to choose the winner of the competition.

  9. Could Strategic Communication be the Solution to Reaching Policymakers and the Public? – Panel Discussion

    The 2018 European Think Tank Summit brings together key representatives from the think tank landscape in Europe to exchange ideas, discuss best practices and learn from each other's expertise. Ecologic Institute Director, Dr. Camilla Bausch, chaired a break-out session that addressed the complex question of using strategic communication to reach target groups in a time marked by a superabundance of information. Representatives from Chatham House, Stockholm Environment Institute and the Lithuanian Free Market Institute added their unique perspectives and voices to the discussion in Berlin.

  10. World Wetlands Day 2018 – News

    Today almost 50% of the world's population lives in urban areas. Urban wetlands are found in cities and their suburbs. They play a vital role in making cities safe, resilient and sustainable (the goal of SDG 11). As urban sprawl takes its course, wetlands are under threat. Following up on ethnographic field studies carried out for the ERA4CS project INNOVA in one of Europe's outermost regions, Grit Martinez of Ecologic Institute was invited to participate in a regional World Wetlands activity in Guadeloupe.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN: 1613-1363

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