Nachhaltige Kommunen durch Digitalisierung?!
Ein Verfahren zur Einschätzung der Auswirkungen kommunaler Digitalisierungsprojekte auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
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Knoblauch, Doris; Langsdorf, Susanne (2017): Nachhaltige Kommunen durch Digitalisierung?! – Ein Verfahren zur Einschätzung der Auswirkungen kommunaler Digitalisierungsprojekte auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) Monitor Nachhaltige Kommune. Bericht 2017. Schwerpunktthema Digitalisierung. Gütersloh.
With this contribution Doris Knoblauch and Susanne Langsdorf from Ecologic Institute offer an easy-to-use three-step process that allows for a meaningful assessment of projects' sustainability. The process has already been tested by two digitization projects. The article is available online in the "Monitor Nachhaltige Kommune. Report 2017" published by the Bertelsmann Stiftung.
The three steps of the procedure are:
Step 1: Development of a project profile
Step 2: Answering key questions in a rating matrix
Step 3: Identification of conducive / inhibiting framework conditions
This allows policy makers and project leaders to review a municipal project regarding its sustainability. The process covers a broad understanding of sustainability, which looks at sustainability in four dimensions: ecology, economics, social affairs and governance (politics and administration). The (self-) assessment provides a sound and comprehensive understanding regarding the sustainability of a project. If necessary, project adjustments can be made according to the evaluation.