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Ecologic Newsletter No 180 – September 2017



  1. Making the Case for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems as a Nature-based Solution to Urban Flooding – Publication
  2. Stepping up Waste Prevention – Publication
  3. Why are Green Fiscal Policies such a Small Part of Green Economic Policies? – Publication
  4. Humanities in a Changing Climate – Presentation
  5. Transatlantic Exchange with US Policymakers on the Current Climate and Energy Debate – Panel Discussions
  6. Carbon and Climate Law Review (CCLR) Celebrates its 10th Anniversary – News
  7. Second ICAP Advanced Course on Emissions Trading – Event
  8. Chinese Pupil's Contest to Reduce Food Waste – News
  1. Making the Case for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems as a Nature-based Solution to Urban Flooding – Publication

    Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) as a promising nature-based solution are the focus of a new chapter, written by Ecologic Institute's McKenna Davis and Sandra Naumann. The authors utilize a range of case studies and evidence from across Europe to underline the potential of SUDS as a tool to reduce the negative effects of urban flooding and resultant water pollution. The diverse environmental and societal co-benefits are also presented as well as insights on the potential cost-effectiveness of SUDS as compared to grey infrastructure solutions. In addition to highlighting the relative advantages of nature-based solutions, the chapter outlines current social and political barriers, which must be overcome to enable a wider uptake of SUDS, and presents approaches that can be used to support this process. The entire book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license and available for download.

  2. Stepping up Waste Prevention – Publication

    Ecologic Institute co-authored the RECREATE policy brief no. 7 on challenges and opportunities for national waste prevention programs. The authors state that the political framework needs to be more enabling and with further support for research and development targeted at measuring waste prevention and behavior change to unlock the potential of waste prevention. The RECREATE policy brief is available for download.

  3. Why are Green Fiscal Policies such a Small Part of Green Economic Policies? – Publication

    The chapter "Why are Green Fiscal Policies such a Small Part of Green Economic Policies? Evidence from three European Countries" of the book 'The Green Market Transition – Carbon Taxes, Energy Subsidies and Smart Instrument Mixes' presents and compares the green tax systems in place in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. One of the chapter authors, Ecologic Institute's Marius Hasenheit, describes the evolution of green taxes in Germany.

  4. Humanities in a Changing Climate – Presentation

    Addressing anthropogenic climate change requires a reassessment of all the choices we make in life, no matter if they are made individually or from within collective institutions. During the workshop "Communicating the Climate in a Controversial Time", Dr. Grit Martinez of Ecologic Institute spoke on the topics of climate change acceptance and governance under different socio-cultural regimes. The presentation slides are available for download.

  5. Transatlantic Exchange with US Policymakers on the Current Climate and Energy Debate – Panel Discussions

    Despite President Trump's skepticism regarding the Paris Agreement and his focus on fossil fuels, the interest in the German Energiewende and the role of renewables remains high in transatlantic exchange. Dr. Camilla Bausch, Director of Ecologic Institute, was invited to speak at two high-level events with US policymakers, sharing experiences and discussing the most recent technological and policy developments in energy and climate.

  6. Carbon and Climate Law Review (CCLR) Celebrates its 10th Anniversary – News

    Carbon and Climate Law Review (CCLR), a leading journal in the field of climate change law and policy, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Since its inception, colleagues from Ecologic Institute have contributed to its success as authors and members of the Editorial Board. To commemorate the anniversary, CCLR invited the authors of the inaugural issue to revisit their articles from a decade ago, and to reflect on them with the present perspective. Included among those authors are Dr. Camilla Bausch, Director of Ecologic Institute, and Michael Mehling, a partner of the institute. In their 2007 publication for the first issue of CCLR, they took stock of progress on climate negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The article is available online.

  7. Second ICAP Advanced Course on Emissions Trading – Event

    In August and September 2017, Ecologic Institute organized the second ICAP Master Course on Emissions Trading in Lisbon (Portugal). The two week-long course brought together 30 experts from emerging economies and developing countries to learn about emissions trading systems (ETS) as a tool for climate protection, and to discuss the options of implementing or optimizing such systems in their home countries. This session is only the second Master course for advanced professionals and experts but continues a series of past ICAP training courses that Ecologic Institute has organized at locations across the world since 2009.

  8. Chinese Pupil's Contest to Reduce Food Waste – News

    The contest, "Sustainable Development and Our Food – Reducing Food Waste: China Youth Environmental Protection Originality Contest", took place in China within the context of the REFRESH project. It builds on the previous REFRESH contest carried out in Europe, implemented by Ecologic Institute. Nearly a thousand innovative works by Chinese pupils reached the organizing committee. The submissions varied greatly in form, from videos to paintings, photos and articles. Selected contest contributions are available online.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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