The objective of this assignment is to provide country specific and up-to-date information and analysis on the main national policies and measures in the 28 Member States relevant for the climate and energy objectives set out in the Europe 2020 Strategy, as well as for the Energy Union targets.
The 2020 climate and energy target framework is the basis of current European climate policy and forms a key pillar in Europe's 2020 growth strategy, where it outlines the objective to achieve smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. In accordance with this strategy, the EU requires Member States to formulate yearly reform programs that outline the steps being taken on the national level to achieve the overarching EU-wide goals. After a comprehensive assessment of these programs is completed, country-specific recommendations are provided, which aid Member States in the further implementation and coordination of national action in, among other areas, climate and energy policy. This tool of European governance is known as the European Semester.
The EU's Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy, introduced in 2015, complements the existing climate change and energy governance until 2020 and will guide their development until 2030. The Energy Union places a renewed emphasis on creating an integrated energy infrastructure across the EU and enabling Member States to reduce their dependence on imports from countries outside the EU.
Ecologic Institute continues to support DG Climate Action (European Commission) and its network of Country Focal Points in the frame of the European Semester as well as the Energy Union by analyzing the climate and energy policies of four EU Member States (Austria, Germany, France, and Malta), evaluating their progress in view of the national 2020 targets and relevant targets in the framework of the Energy Union, including the development of Member State specific recommendations. The work focusses on climate and energy policy priorities, environmental taxation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, security of supply and energy networks, transport, as well as waste, agriculture and LULUCF. Furthermore, Ecologic Institute creates indicator sections for all EU Member States, which measure the performance towards the respective 2020 targets on greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and compare certain Member State characteristics to EU-28 values.