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Framework Contract for the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

| Fotolia © Boris Stroujko

Framework Contract for the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive


Ecologic Institute is a core partner in the Framework contract for services to move towards good environmental status of the European marine waters by implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The objective of the framework contract is to support DG Environment, the Members States, and the Regional Sea Conventions with the implementation of the MSFD.

In this regard, Ecologic Institute along with partners will provide technical and scientific advice on assessing the pressures and human activities and related measures in the marine environment in connection with the achievement of Good Envrionmental Status as defined in the MSFD.

Potential guidance coming through the contract will be to, for example, support Member States and Regional Sea Conventions with a set of standardised principles and methodologies for undertaking future assessments. The guidance should support the production of compatible outputs from the assessments so that they can contribute to regional and EU-scale compilations of information, presenting the extent to which Good Environmnental Status is achieved as well as  facilitate communication of the environmental status of the marine environment to managers and the public. 


Benjamin Boteler
Katrina Abhold
Marius Hasenheit
Lucy Olivia Smith
Christian Bruhn
Karl Lehmann
Lucas Porsch
Violeta Velikova
Project ID
Europe, Sea, Ocean