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Delivering and Enforcing the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking

Delivering and Enforcing the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking

Workshop Proceedings


Smith, Lucy; Stephan Sina; Mia Pantzar (2016): Delivering and Enforcing the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking. Workshop Proceedings for the ENVI Committee, Brussels.

The EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking adopted by the European Commission on 26 February 2016 is the most recent EU initiative to tackle wildlife crime. On 8 September 2016, the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament (ENVI) held a workshop in Brussels on 'Delivering and enforcing the EU Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking'. With support from the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), Ecologic Institute organized the workshop and compiled the proceedings for this publication. The proceedings summarize the presentations and discussions, and include the workshop agenda, the presentation slides and short biographies of the experts, as well as an executive summary.

The EU Action Plan comprises 32 measures to be taken by EU institutions and/or Member States between 2016 and 2020, based on three priorities:

  1. Preventing wildlife trafficking and addressing its root causes
  2. Implementing and enforcing existing rules and combating organised wildlife crime more effectively
  3. Strengthening the global partnership of source, consumer and transit countries against wildlife trafficking

The objective of the workshop was to provide background information on the EU Action Plan to the Members of the ENVI Committee in view of the Committee's own-initiative report on the Plan, and to open a debate on implementation challenges with experts. The workshop was hosted by Ms Catherine Bearder, MEP (ALDE Group), who drafted the ENVI report leading to the European Parliament's resolution of 26 November 2016 on the Action Plan. Presentations were held by Helge Elisabeth Zeitler (COM, DG ENVI), Richard Smithers (Ricardo-AEA), Katalin Kecse-Nagy (TRAFFIC), Grant Miller (UK Border Police), José Antonio Alfaro Moreno and Andreas Mausolf (Europol), Thierry Lucas (UNEP), and Tanya Wyatt (Northumbria University).


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Lucy Olivia Smith
Mia Pantzar (IEEP)
Published by
81 pp.
978-92-846-0390-9 (paper), 978-92-846-0391-6 (pdf)
10.2861/512106 (paper), 10.2861/54345 (pdf)
Project ID
Table of contents
EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking, European Parliament, ENVI Committee, wildlife crime, illegal wildlife trade, wildlife trafficking, prevention, law enforcement, global partnership, CITES, EU trade regulations