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Ecologic Newsletter No 171 – December 2016



  1. Sustainable Development in the European Union – Publication
  2. Statement on the Fifth Monitoring Report of the Federal German Government for 2015 – Publication
  3. Auctioning Revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System – Publications
  4. Integrating National Realities into the 2030 Governance System – Publication
  5. Regional and Local Adaptation in the EU since the Adoption of the EU Adaptation Strategy in 2013 – Publication
  6. Synergies and Differences between Biodiversity, Nature, Water and Marine Environment EU Policies – Publication
  7. Implementation of Circular Economy Business Models by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – Publication
  8. CIRCULAR IMPACT – Kick-off Meeting
  9. Transatlantic Perspectives on Integrating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities – COP22 Side Event
  10. Third European Resources Forum – Presentations and Photos
  1. Sustainable Development in the European Union – Publication

    This publication has been issued by EUROSTAT and provides a snapshot of the current situation concerning a select number of indicators related to the UN Sustainable Devel-opment Goals (SDGs). It accompanies the European Commission Communication on the next steps for a sustainable European future (22 November 2016). Authors from Ecologic Institute covered the chapters on SDG 2 (Zero hunger), SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation), SDG 13 (Climate action), SDG 14 (Life below water), SDG 15 (Life on land) and SDG 17 (Partnership for the goals). The publication is available for download.

  2. Statement on the Fifth Monitoring Report of the Federal German Government for 2015 – Publication

    In December 2016, the joint statement of the Expert Commission on the "Energy of the Future" Monitoring Process was published. Ecologic Institute provided scientific support to the work of the Expert Commission with a focus on the key topics that Dr. Hans-Joachim Ziesing and the Expert Commission selected for their joint statement. The joint statement is available for download.

  3. Auctioning Revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System – Publications

    This analysis by the Ecologic Institute shows the use of auction revenues from EU emissions trading in the EU Member States and provides options for higher revenues and better use for climate protection. A summary, targeted at stakeholders and the interested general public, shows the main findings of the report. Ecologic Institute also developed an easy-to-use scoreboard that displays ETS auctioning revenue data for each Member State since the beginning of the third trading period in 2013. All results are available online.

  4. Integrating National Realities into the 2030 Governance System – Publication

    To ensure that the aims of the 2030 EU climate and energy framework are met, European leaders agreed to establish a new governance system based on an enhanced scheme for national planning and reporting (P&R). In the context of on-going policy discussions surrounding these so-called National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), this paper investigates EU Member States' experiences with the existing P&R obligations and identifies important lessons to be considered in the development of the new system. The paper is available for download.

  5. Regional and Local Adaptation in the EU since the Adoption of the EU Adaptation Strategy in 2013 – Publication

    This report analyzes the impact of the EU Adaptation Strategy adopted in 2013 on the de-velopment of national, regional and local adaptation strategies in the Member States. For the report, authors from Ecologic Institute, ICLEI und UCL analyzed national, regional and local adaptation policies. The analyses included interviews with two regional governments and a survey of signatories to the initiative MayorsAdapt. The report is available for download.

  6. Synergies and Differences between Biodiversity, Nature, Water and Marine Environment EU Policies – Publication

    The AQUACROSS consortium published a report on EU environmental policy synergies. Authors from Ecologic Institute investigated EU policies, with the specific aim of determining how EU policies and laws contribute to and/or hinder the achievement of EU and international biodiversity targets. The report also investigates how coherence and/or incoherence in current environmental protection policies affect the management of aquatic ecosystems. The report is available for download.

  7. Implementation of Circular Economy Business Models by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – Publication

    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the economy and a key player in steering our economy towards a more circular model. However, their small size means that they face unique challenges on the path to closing loops and improving resource efficiency. In an article published in the peer-reviewed journal "Sustainability" by lead author, Vasileios Rizos from CEPS, Ecologic Institute's Terri Kafyeke and Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers as well as other members of the GreenEcoNet project consortium explore barriers and opportunities faced by SMEs that are trying to become greener. The article is available for download.

  8. CIRCULAR IMPACT – Kick-off Meeting

    The circular economy promises lower resource and energy use, new employment and economic growth. However, can the European circular economy fulfill these expectations, and what environmental, social and economic impacts would a transition to such an economy entail? The project CIRCULAR IMPACT will attempt to answer these questions by collecting and assessing the existent knowledge base. On 27 October 2016, Lucas Porsch from Ecologic Institute presented the primary goals of the project. The slides are available for download.

  9. Transatlantic Perspectives on Integrating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities – COP22 Side Event

    On 18 November 2016, the Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy (ELEEP) Network and the project "Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow (POCACITO)" hosted an official side event at COP 22 in Marrakech (Morocco) on the topic, "Transatlantic Perspectives on Integrating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities". The event's video recordings are available online.

  10. Third European Resources Forum – Presentations and Photos

    Around 400 participants from over 32 countries participated in the third European Resources Forum (ERF) 2016, which was organized by the Federal Environment Agency with the support of Ecologic Institute. Presentations and photos of the conference are now available online. It is also worth taking a look at the several discussions and comments on Twitter by searching for the ERF hashtag: #2016ERF.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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