Evaluation of Indicators for EU Policy Objectives – Research Note
D2.1 Research Note
- Publication
- Citation
Srebotnjak, Tanja; Holger Gerdes; Aaron Best et. al. 2009: Evaluation of Indicators for EU Policy Objectives. Research note (D 2.1)
Srebotnjak, Tanja; Holger Gerdes; Aaron Best et al. 2009: Evaluation of Indicators for EU Policy Objectives. Research note (D 2.1)
- Language
- Authorship
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research (DG Research), International - Published by
Ecologic Institute, Germany - Year
- Dimension
- 86 pp.
- Project
- Project ID
- Table of contents
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Executive Summary
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives of the Project
1.3 Structure of the Research Note
2 EU Policy Context
2.1 Policy Timeline
2.2 Maastricht Criteria
2.3 The Lisbon Strategy – A Response to Socio-economic Challenges
2.4 Sustainable Development Strategy
2.5 GDP and Beyond: Measuring Progress in a Changing World
3 Evaluation Methodologies
3.1 RACER Analysis
3.2 SWOT Analysis
3.3 SDI Criteria for Indicator Selection
3.4 Correspondence between SDI Criteria and IN-STREAM Evaluation Methodologies
3.5 Final Indicator Set
4 Single Evaluations of the Selected Indicators
4.1 Gross Domestic Product
4.2 SEEA Framework
4.3 Adjusted Net Savings (Genuine Savings)
5 Evaluation of the Indicators as a Group
5.1 RACER Analysis of the Basket of Indicators
6 Unresolved Methodological Issues
6.1 Methodological Challenges
6.2 Communicating Uncertainties
7 Final Summary and Conclusions
8 References
Technical Annex: RACER Criteria and Subcriteria - Keywords
Maastricht criteria, Lisbon strategy, sustainable development, GDP and Beyond, SDI criteria, IN-STREAM evaluation methodologies, Gross Domestic Product, SEEA frameworkRACER analysis, SWOT analysis, indicator selection
IN-STREAM Research consortium 2011: Integration of mainstream economic indicators with sustainable development objectives. Summary Report (D 9.12).
IN-STREAM Research consortium 2011: Linking Sustainability Indicators with Policy Making. Results and Conclusion of IN-STREAM. Policy Report (D 8.1).