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Ecologic Newsletter No 168 – September 2016



  1. Commission Proposal for an Effort Sharing Regulation: Comments – Publication
  2. Income Tax Reform to Strengthen Climate Protection – Publications
  3. Compliance with EU 2030 Renewable Energy Targets: How to Fill a Gap – Publication
  4. Multi-level Governance and Partnership Practices in Development and Implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans – Publication
  5. Financing River Basin Management in South America – Presentation
  6. Barriers and Success Factors to Ecosystem-based Adaptation within a German Context – Presentation
  7. Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow – Making Together a Long Term Vision a Reality – POCACITO Final Conference
  8. Decarbonization and Resource Efficiency – 100% Renewable Energy and more – Event
  9. Ocean Sustainability: From Data to Decisions – Event
  1. Commission Proposal for an Effort Sharing Regulation: Comments – Publication

    On 20 July 2016 the European Commission published its legislative proposal for an Effort Sharing Regulation. A paper from Ecologic Institute provides comments on the Commission's proposal. The comments are available for download.

  2. Income Tax Reform to Strengthen Climate Protection – Publications

    Ecologic Institute analyzes to what extent Germany's income and cooperate tax rules promote climate protection. In this context, Ecologic Institute presents proposals for reforming Germany's income tax law. The analysis and the proposal are available for download.

  3. Compliance with EU 2030 Renewable Energy Targets: How to Fill a Gap – Publication

    A new study by the Ecologic Institute shows how to ensure achievement of the 2030 EU target for renewable energy. The study is available for download.

  4. Multi-level Governance and Partnership Practices in Development and Implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans – Publication

    In this study, Ecologic Institute researched – together with ICLEI and the Austrian Environmental Agency – how cities and regions that have signed the Covenant of Mayors went through the process of creating and implementing their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs). For the topics of multi-level governance and sustainable financing, three case studies each were conducted, incorporating information from local authorities. The case studies provide an overview of the multi-level governance activities of Hanover, the Region of Barcelona and the Region of Emilia Romagna. For the case studies pertaining to sustainable financing, the city of Bath, the Region of Sardegna and the city of Namyslow were picked. The study is available for download.

  5. Financing River Basin Management in South America – Presentations

    From 31 August to 3 September 2016, Ecologic Institute's Rodrigo Vidaurre participated in a series of events on water management in the Chira-Catamayo basin, a transboundary river basin straddling the border between Peru and Ecuador. The events were part of a binational workshop of the EuropeAid project EcoCuencas, which aims to support South American water management in the context of climate change by assisting in the implementation of redistributive financial mechanisms. The presentation slides are available for download.

  6. Barriers and Success Factors to Ecosystem-based Adaptation within a German Context – Presentation

    On 17 August 2016, McKenna Davis, Fellow at Ecologic Institute, held a presentation on "Barriers and Success Factors for cooperation under Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA)" for the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Bonn. The presentation was part of a workshop focusing on the challenges to and solutions for fostering EbA for decision-makers and practitioners within a multi-sectoral governance landscape within the GIZ's "Environment Climate Biodiversity" symposium. The results presented came from a study commissioned by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). Both the presentation and original study are available for download.

  7. Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow – Making Together a Long Term Vision a Reality – POCACITO Final Conference

    The final conference of the project "Post-carbon cities of tomorrow" (POCACITO) led by Ecologic Institute, will take place on Friday, 21 October 2016 in Brussels. At the interactive conference we will present our experience in developing long-term strategies with stake-holders through visioning and backcasting workshops and other results of the project, such as a high level document or 'roadmap' to achieve livable post-carbon cities by 2050. Registration is now open!

  8. Decarbonization and Resource Efficiency – 100% Renewable Energy and more – Event

    Ecologic Institute supports the German Environment Agency in hosting the Conference "Decarbonization and Resource Efficiency – 100% Renewable Energy and more," which will take place on 8 November 2016 at the "Ludwig Erhard Haus" in Berlin. The conference aims to highlight synergies and ways to minimize trade-offs between decarbonization and dematerialization policies. Registration is still open.

  9. Ocean Sustainability: From Data to Decisions – Event

    Ecologic Institute and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) co-hosted a talk with Dr. Rick Spinrad, Chief Scientist at the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). An internationally recognized scientist and executive with more than 30 years of experience, Dr. Spinrad drives policy and programme direction for scientific and technological priorities. Dr. Spinrad was invited to Germany on behalf of the US Embassy to discuss NOAA's work and efforts regarding ocean sustainability. The event was moderated by R. Andreas Kraemer, Founding Director of Ecologic Institute.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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