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Ecologic Newsletter No 27 – May 2005

Ecologic Newsletter No 27 – May 2005

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Ecologic remembers Konrad von Moltke
  2. Active Involvement for sustainable water management in the Danube basin – Stakeholder Conference 
  3. Air Emissions Cap&Trade Programs: Revolution and Evolution in the U.S. – Dinner Dialogue with Sam Napolitano
  4. What is the Value of Water? Assessing Environmental and Resource Costs in the Water Framework Directive - Publication
  5. Possible methodology for the selection of cost-effective sets of measures in the Water Framework Directive - Publication
  6. Ecologic supports Environment-Friendly Innovation Award 2005 of Legambiente, Italy 
  7. Ecology and Design – University Course
  8. Trends in the European Water Sector - Lecture

1. Ecologic remembers Konrad von Moltke

Konrad von Moltke, an inspiration to Ecologic, passed away last week at his home in Vermont. In 1976, Konrad established the Institute for European Environmental Policy in Bonn, Germany, with a mission that we carry forward today. He supported Ecologic from the beginning and was particularly associated with our work on development, trade and investment, and international environmental governance. As a pioneering thinker, Konrad was an inspiration to the whole institute, as teacher and advisor he was a guide to us all, and his example and principles will continue to be a moral compass for our advocacy. Our thoughts are with his family who feel most acutely the loss of a great humanist and a towering personality.

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2. Active Involvement for sustainable water management in the Danube basin – Stakeholder Conference

On occasion of Danube Day, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) invites stakeholders from all riparian countries to participate in the first basin-wide stakeholder conference, to be held in Budapest, 28-29 June 2005. Hungary, who is the currently presiding country of ICPDR, will host the event. It is the goal of the conference to promote public participation according to article 14 of the EU Water Framework Directive. Ecologic provides consulting services to the ICPDR on the organisation of this conference.

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3. Air Emissions Cap&Trade Programs: Revolution and Evolution in the U.S. – Dinner Dialogue with Sam Napolitano

European Emission trading of CO2 certificates started at the beginning of 2005. A totally new environmental policy instrument for the European market economy was introduced which has to be proven in the first allocation period from 2005-2007. The U.S. is considered to be the leader concerning Cap&Trade. First steps with the concept of marketable emission permits were taken in the mid-1970s. In a discussion with Sam Napolitano, Director of the Clean Air Markets Division of the EPA’s Air Office, experiences were exchanged – the U.S. long term expert knowledge with quite recent European experiences. The Transatlantic Dinner Dialogue took place in Berlin, on 19 April 2005.

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4. What is the Value of Water? Assessing Environmental and Resource Costs in the Water Framework Directive - Publication

The implementation of the Water Framework Directive is one of the main items in the field of environmental protection. As a main novelty, the Directive foresees the integration of economic aspects into water-related decision makin. However, current practice in Germany does not always match the definitions and approaches for economic evaluation developed at EU level, as Benjamin Görlach and Eduard Interwies note in this article.

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5. Possible methodology for the selection of cost-effective sets of measures in the Water Framework Directive - Publication

The EC Water Framework Directive mandates that good ecological status should be reached in all water bodies in Europe by 2015. To this end, according to Article 11 of the Directive, programmes of measures shall be established for all river basins. The selection and combination of measures within these programmes should also take account of cost-effectiveness considerations. In an article for the Journal gwf Wasser / Abwasser, Benjamin Görlach, Nicole Kranz and Eduard Interwies present a possible methodology for this selection process, which was developed by Ecologic for the German Federal Environment Agency.

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6. Ecologic supports Environment-Friendly Innovation Award 2005 of Legambiente, Italy

Every year, the Italian environmental organisation Legambiente Lombardia gives recognition to private and public enterprises for their innovation of environment-friendly technologies, products, services, and management systems. This year, Ecologic supports the Innovation Award in order to help raise international outlook, awareness and participation.

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7. Ecology and Design – University Course

During the summer semester of 2005, Dr. Norbert Kopytziok is directing the course "Ecology and Design" at the College of Architecture, Media and Design of the Berlin University of the Arts. The course focuses on the debate around ecological efficiency which has entered, over the last few years, the area of ecological product construction and Eco-design.

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8. Trends in the European Water Sector - Lecture

The Austrian Water and Waste Management Association (ÖWAV) organised the ÖWAV-Forum 2005 on "Water Sector and Politics - Structures, Controls and Financing". The aim of the conference that was held on 21 April 2005 was to discuss the future of the Austrian water sector, in particular the new legal, economic and environmental regulations. R. Andreas Kraemer presented the trends at European level and their potential effects on the municipal water sector.

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